ng-admin: Meet the new demo

The old demo we used to showcase ng-admin, the AngularJS admin GUI consuming any RESTful API, was pretty limited. Posts, comments, and tags, that was just enough to illustrate the minimum.
We wanted to whow how larger admin apps can be built with ng-admin, and also demonstrate how to add authentication, custom types, custom forms, and custom pages.
Meet Posters Galore. It's an online poster shop which doesn't exists. But the backend administration is entirely functional. It runs with ng-admin, in your browser.

The catalog, sales, and customers are entirely generated, based on a random generator powered by chance.js. The data is exposed to the adminsitration through a REST server running directly in the browser (thanks to FakeRest). The source is hosted on GitHub.
We've tried to build it just as if it were a real project. We hope you'll learn a lot just by looking at the source.