The React Framework
for B2B Apps

React-admin offers the best developer experience, lets you focus on business needs, and build delightful user interfaces.

Image Hero
const App = () => (
		<Resource name="deals" {} />
		<Resource name="contacts" {...contacts} />
		<Resource name="companies" {...companies} />

Build admins / internal tools / dashboards / ERPs / B2B apps, fast

Developer time is expensive, so react-admin focuses on productivity and maintainability.
See what you can build in a week.

Used by more than 25,000 companies worldwide

That's because react-admin is easy to learn, robust, stable, and a joy to code with.

Get started in minutes

Build API-based applications using modern React and Material Design. Your first admin only needs 13 lines of code.

import React from 'react';
import { Admin, Resource, ListGuesser } from 'react-admin';
import simpleRestProvider from 'ra-data-simple-rest';

const dataProvider = simpleRestProvider('https://domain.tld/api');

const App = () => (
  <Admin dataProvider={dataProvider}>
	<Resource name="users" list={ListGuesser} />

export default App;
screen get started

All the building blocks you need

Focus on business logic and let react-admin handle common features.
The vast library of hooks and components covers most use cases.

  • roles and permissions Roles & Permissions
  • Forms and validationForms & validation
  • Full-featured datagrid Full-featured datagrid
  • Relationships Relationships
  • i18n i18n
  • Responsive Responsive
  • Preferences Preferences
  • Theming Theming
  • Undo Undo
  • Caching Caching
  • Routing Routing
  • Rich text editor Rich text editor
  • Notifications Notifications
  • Realtime Realtime
  • Search and filter Search & Filter
  • Accessibility Accessibility

Already works with your API

Use one of the 50+ API adapters for REST and GraphQL backends, 10+ auth adapters for third-party authentication backends, or write your own in minutes. React-admin is backend agnostic.

For example : Open API, json:api, Hasura, Supabase, API Platform, Django, Spring Boot, Firebase, HAL, Amplify, Auth0, Cognito, MSAL, Google Workspace, Keycloack, etc.

Your api

Read what people say about it...

“We have recommended react-admin to several organizations. We are more than satisfied with react-admin and we are excited to continue using react-admin in the future!”

Alexander Rees

Head of Web Development, Caritas


“I am definitely enjoying using react-admin. I was exposed to it a few years ago on a product/project I inherited and maintain, and now am using it for two other projects.”

Jeff Israel

Head of Engineering, Code Finds a Way

code finds a way

“React-admin is simpler to setup and more customizable than forest admin. Support is great, documentation is rich of examples and explain well the philosophy of the library.”

Nicolas Girault

Software Engineer, lalilo


“React-admin has allowed us to quickly create and evolve a powerful tool that otherwise would have taken months of time and effort to develop.”

Guillermo Noain

Tech Lead, Iron Hack


“We've been using react admin in our company project for quite some time now and we loved it. We really appreciate your hard work and we wish all the best for the react-admin project.”


FullStack Software Developer, SmartPredict


“We were looking to improve the graphic interface of our custom made web admins. We ended up changing our entire client-side infrastructure to one based on React-admin in record time!”

AnĂ­bal Svarcas

Senior Developer, Metiri


“Having built React Admin into our products, it's allowed us to develop simplistic CMS's right through to complex, highly integrated web apps, with confidence and repeated success, it's an incredible framework.”

Anthony Main

Founder, The Distance
The distance

“Having been using react-admin since 2018, I can vouch for its greatness. Their expert team knows how to leverage popular and proven libraries for both production and development purposes. Always willing to embrace change and adopt the latest best practices.”

Aris Filokostas

Tech Lead, MarineTraffic

Built with state-of-the-art libraries

  • React React
  • Material-ui Material UI
  • react-router React Router
  • React-query React-query
  • React-hook-form React-hook-form
  • TypeScript TypeScript

React Admin is Open-Source

Sponsored and supported by Marmelab since 2016

Open-source Edition Open-source Edition

  • 170+ hooks and components
  • Documentation, storybook, and example apps
  • Community support via
    Stack Overflow and Discord.
  • Weekly bug fix releases
  • MIT License

Forever. This is open-source

Enterprise Edition Enterprise Edition

  • 230+ hooks and components
  • Includes all open-source content, plus
    • Fine-grained permissions (RBAC)
    • Editable datagrid
    • Nested forms
    • Many-to-many relationships
    • Alternative form and page layouts
    • Realtime updates
    • Calendar and events
    • Tree structures
    • JSON Schema form
    • Site-wide search
    • Audit log
    • etc.
  • Professional support by email with guaranteed response time
  • 50% discount on Professional Services

Starts from 135€/month