
This Enterprise Edition component renders a breadcrumb path that automatically adapts to the page location. It helps users navigate on large admins.

The <Breadcrumb> component is designed to be integrated into the app layout. Each page can define its location using a hook, and the breadcrumb reflects that location. Breadcrumb items can be customized to include data from the current context (e.g. the name of the current record).

Test it live on the Enterprise Edition Storybook.


Create a custom breadcrumb component using the <Breadcrumb> component from the ra-navigation package:

// in src/MyBreadcrumb.jsx
import { Breadcrumb } from '@react-admin/ra-navigation';

export const MyBreadcrumb = () => (
        {/* to be completed */}

Then, add this component to the admin layout. Make sure you wrap the layout with the <AppLocationContext> component:

// in src/MyLayout.jsx
import { AppLocationContext } from '@react-admin/ra-navigation';
import { Layout } from 'react-admin';

import { MyBreadcrumb } from './MyBreadcrumb';

export const MyLayout = ({ children, ...rest }) => (
        <Layout {...rest}>
            <MyBreadcrumb />

Finally, pass this custom layout to the <Admin> component:

import { Admin, Resource } from 'react-admin';

import { MyLayout } from './MyLayout';

const App = () => (
    <Admin dataProvider={dataProvider} layout={MyLayout}>
        <Resource name="posts" list={PostList} />

By default, <Breadcrumb /> does not render anything. It’s the job of its children (<Breadcrumb.Item> elements) to render the breadcrumb path according to the app location, a bit like <Route> components render their children when they match the current browser location.

Tip: The app location is a powerful concept that ra-navigation uses to decouple the location shown in the UI from the browser URL. React-admin default pages have an app location like posts.list. You can define the app location for custom pages, and include metadata (e.g. records) in the app location. You can learn more about the app location in the ra-navigation documentation

For instance, here is a component capable of rendering the breadcrumb path for two different resources:

// in src/MyBreadcrumb.jsx
import { Breadcrumb } from '@react-admin/ra-navigation';

const MyBreadcrumb = () => (
        <Breadcrumb.Item name="posts" label="Posts" to="/posts">
                label={({ record }) => `Edit #${record.id}`}
                to={({ record }) => `/posts/${record.id}`}
                label={({ record }) => `Show #${record.id}`}
                to={({ record }) => `/posts/${record.id}/show`}
            <Breadcrumb.Item name="create" label="Create" to="/posts/create" />
        <Breadcrumb.Item name="comments" label="Comments" to="/comments">
                label={({ record }) => `Edit #${record.id}`}
                to={({ record }) => `/comments/${record.id}`}
                label={({ record }) => `Show #${record.id}`}
                to={({ record }) => `/comments/${record.id}/show`}

This breadcrumb renders:

  • “Posts” on the Post List page
  • “Posts / Show #1” on the Post Show page with id = 1
  • “Posts / Edit #1” on the Post Edition page with id = 1
  • “Posts / Create” on the Post Creation page

As building breadcrumbs for resources is a common use case, ra-navigation provides a component that does the same for every resource registered as a child of the <Admin> component. It’s called <Breadcrumb.ResourceItems>:

import { Breadcrumb } from '@react-admin/ra-navigation';

const MyBreadcrumb = () => (
        <Breadcrumb.ResourceItems />
        {/* add other breadcrumb items here */}

Check the ra-navigation documentation to learn more about the breadcrumb feature and its customization.


Prop Required Type Default Description
children required ReactNode - The Breadcrumb Items to be rendered.
separator Optional string | function ’/’ The character user as separator
sx Optional SxProps - Style overrides, powered by MUI System

Additional props are passed down to the root <nav> component.


Children of the <Breadcrumb> component must be <Breadcrumb.Item> components, or any of its derivatives (<Breadcrumb.ResourceItems>, <Breadcrumb.DashboardItem>). These components can themselves have children to create a breadcrumb path of any depth.

import { Breadcrumb } from '@react-admin/ra-navigation';

const MyBreadcrumb = () => (
      <Breadcrumb.ResourceItems resources={['otherResources']} />
      <Breadcrumb.Item name="posts" label="Posts">
          label={({ record }) => `Edit "${record.title}"`}
          to={({ record }) => record && `${linkToRecord('/songs', record.id)}/edit`}
          label={({ record }) => record.title}
          to={({ record }) => record && `${linkToRecord('/songs', record.id)}/show`}
        <Breadcrumb.Item name="list" label="My Post List" />
        <Breadcrumb.Item name="create" label="Let's write a Post!" />

See the <Breadcrumb.Item> section for more information.


The breadcrumb separator used by default is “/”. It can be overridden using a string or a function.

<Breadcrumb separator=" > ">{items}</Breadcrumb>
<Breadcrumb separator={() => `url('....')`}>


You can override the style of the breadcrumb and its items using the sx prop.

const MyBreadcrumb = () => (
            '& ul': { padding: 1, paddingLeft: 0 },
            '& ul:empty': { padding: 0 },
        // ...

This component renders a single breadcrumb item if the app location matches its name.

A breadcrumb item

It requires the following props:

  • name: The name of this item; will be used to infer its full path.
  • label: The label to display for this item. Can be a string (including a translation key) or a function that returns a string based on the location context.

It accepts the following optional props:

  • to: Optional. The react-router path to redirect to. Can be a string, or a function that returns a string based on the location context.
import { useCreatePath } from 'react-admin';
import { Breadcrumb } from '@react-admin/ra-navigation';

// custom breadcrumb
const MyBreadcrumb = ({ children, ...props }) => {
    const createPath = useCreatePath();

    return (
            <Breadcrumb.ResourceItems resources={['otherResources']} />
            <Breadcrumb.Item name="posts" label="Posts">
                    label={({ record }) => `Edit "${record.title}"`}
                    to={({ record }) =>
                        record &&
                            type: 'edit',
                            resource: 'songs',
                            id: record.id,
                    label={({ record }) => record.title}
                    to={({ record }) =>
                        record &&
                            type: 'show',
                            resource: 'songs',
                            id: record.id,
                <Breadcrumb.Item name="list" label="My Post List" />
                <Breadcrumb.Item name="create" label="Let's write a Post!" />

Using A Dashboard As The Root

If the app has a home page, you can automatically set the root of the Breadcrumb to this page by passing a hasDashboard prop to the <Breadcrumb> component:

const MyBreadcrumb = () => (
    <Breadcrumb hasDashboard>
        <Breadcrumb.ResourceItems />

By doing this, the breadcrumb will now show respectively:

  • “Dashboard / Posts” on the Post List page
  • “Dashboard / Posts / Show #1” on the Post Show page with id = 1
  • “Dashboard / Posts / Edit #1” on the Post Edition page with id = 1
  • “Dashboard / Posts / Create” on the Post Creation page

Adding Custom Pages

A page component can define its app location using the useDefineAppLocation hook:

// in src/UserPreferences.jsx
import { useDefineAppLocation } from '@react-admin/ra-navigation';

const UserPreferences = () => {
    return <span>My Preferences</span>;
// in src/App.jsx
import { Admin, Resource, Layout, List } from 'react-admin';
import { Route } from 'react-router-dom';

import { UserPreferences } from './UserPreferences';

const routes = [
    <Route exact path="/user/preferences" component={UserPreferences} />,

const App = () => (
    <Admin dataProvider={dataProvider} customRoutes={routes} layout={MyLayout}>
        <Resource name="posts" list={PostList} />

Then, it’s the job of the <Breadcrumb> component to render the breadcrumb path for this location:

const MyBreadcrumb = () => (
        <Breadcrumb.ResourceItems />
        <Breadcrumb.Item name="myhome" label="Home">
            <Breadcrumb.Item name="user" label="User">
                <Breadcrumb.Item name="preferences" label="Preferences" to="/user/preferences" />

Nested Resources

When using nested resources, create breadcrumb items for the sub-resources.

For instance, the screencast at the top of this page shows a songs resource nested in an artists resources.

import { Admin, Resource } from 'react-admin';
import { Route } from 'react-router-dom';

export const App = () => (
    <Admin dataProvider={dataProvider}>
        <Resource name="artists" list={ArtistList} edit={ArtistDetail}>
            <Route path=":id/songs" element={<SongList />} />
            <Route path=":id/songs/:songId" element={<SongDetail />} />

This setup creates four routes:

  • /artists renders the <ArtistList> element
  • /artists/:id renders the <ArtistDetail> element
  • /artists/:id/songs renders the <SongList> element
  • /artists/:id/songs/:songId renders the <SongDetail> element

One app location is defined for each route:

  • /artists: artists (defined automatically)
  • /artists/:id: artists.edit (defined automatically)
  • /artists/:id/songs: artists.edit.songs (defined manually)
  • /artists/:id/songs/:songId: artists.edit.songs.edit (defined manually)

Let’s see how the components for the songs list and detail pages define their app location:

// in src/songs/SongList.js
import { useGetOne, List, SearchInput, Datagrid, TextField, DateField } from 'react-admin';
import { useDefineAppLocation } from '@react-admin/ra-navigation';
import { useParams } from 'react-router-dom';

export const SongList = () => {
    const { id } = useParams();
    const { data: record } = useGetOne('artists', { id });
    useDefineAppLocation('artists.edit.songs', { record });
    return (
            filter={{ artist_id: id }}
            filters={[<SearchInput key="q" source="q" alwaysOn />]}
                <TextField source="title" />
                <DateField source="released" />
                <TextField source="writer" />
                <TextField source="producer" />
                <TextField source="recordCompany" label="Label" />
                <EditSongButton />

const EditSongButton = () => {
    const song = useRecordContext();
    return (
            startIcon={<EditIcon />}
// in src/songs/SongDetail.js
import { useGetOne, Edit, SimpleForm, TextInput, DateInput } from 'react-admin';
import { useDefineAppLocation } from '@react-admin/ra-navigation';
import { useParams } from 'react-router-dom';

export const SongDetail = () => {
    const { id, songId } = useParams();
    const { data: record } = useGetOne('artists', { id });
    const { data: song } = useGetOne('songs', { id: songId });
    useDefineAppLocation('artists.edit.songs.edit', { record, song });
    return (
        <Edit resource="songs" id={songId} redirect={`/artists/${id}/songs`}>
                <TextInput source="title" />
                <DateInput source="released" />
                <TextInput source="writer" />
                <TextInput source="producer" />
                <TextInput source="recordCompany" label="Label" />

Tip: The <Edit> component will call dataProvider.getOne("songs", { id: songId }) to fetch the song record. Since the <SongDetail> component makes the same request, React-admin will deduplicate the calls and only make one request to the dataProvider.

Tip: You don’t need to call useDefineAppLocation for the pages of the parent resource (artists) as this resource uses the default URLs (/artists, /artists/:id). The app location will be deduced automatically from these URLs (i.e. artists and artists.edit).

Once the app locations are properly set up, the Breadcrumb code comes naturally as:

const MyBreadcrumb = () => (
        <Breadcrumb.Item name="artists" label="Artists" to="/artists">
                label={({ record }) => record?.name}
                to={({ record }) => `/artists/${record?.id}`}
                    to={({ record }) => `/artists/${record?.id}/songs`}
                        label={({ song }) => song?.title}
                        to={({ song }) => `/artists/${song?.artist_id}/songs/${song?.id}`}