
useRecordContext grabs the current record. It’s available anywhere react-admin manipulates a record, e.g. in a Show page, in a Datagrid row, or in a Reference Field.


The most common use case for useRecordContext is to build a custom field. For instance, an author field for a book Show view.

import { useRecordContext, Show, SimpleShowLayout } from 'react-admin';

const BookAuthor = () => {
    const record = useRecordContext();
    if (!record) return null;
    return <span>{}</span>;

const BookShow = () => (
            <BookAuthor />

Optimistic Rendering

As react-admin uses optimistic rendering, useRecordContext may return an undefined record on load. Make sure you prepare for that!

const BookAuthor = () => {
    const record = useRecordContext();
    // warning: this will fail on load since record is undefined    
    return <span>{}</span>;

So make sure you check that the record is defined before using it.

const record = useRecordContext();
if (!record) return null;


As soon as there is a record available, react-admin puts it in a RecordContext. This means that useRecordContext works out of the box:

  • in descendants of the <Show> and <ShowBase> component
  • in descendants of the <Edit> and <EditBase> component
  • in descendants of the <Create> and <CreateBase> component
  • in descendants of the <Datagrid> component
  • in descendants of the <SimpleList> component
  • in descendants of the <ReferenceField> component

Creating a Record Context

If you have fetched a record and you want to make it available to descendants, place it inside a <RecordContextProvider> component.

import { useGetOne, RecordContextProvider } from 'react-admin';

const RecordFetcher = ({ id, resource, children }) => {
    const { data, isLoading, error } = useGetOne(resource, { id });
    if (isLoading) return <p>Loading...</p>;
    if (error) return <p>Error :(</p>;
    return (
        <RecordContextProvider value={data}>

Fallback Mode

Some react-admin components accept an optional record prop. These components can be used both inside a RecordContext, and with a custom record prop - without creating a custom record context.

You can do the same: just accept a record component prop, and pass the props as parameter to the hook. If the record is undefined, useRecordContext will return the record from the context. If it is defined, useRecordContext will return the record from the props.

const BookAuthor = (props) => {
    const record = useRecordContext(props);
    if (!record) return null;
    return <span>{}</span>;

// you can now pass a custom record
<BookAuthor record={{ id: 123, author: 'Leo Tolstoy' }}>

See Also

  • WithRecord is the render prop version of the useRecordContext hook.