Introducing Acme Refrigerator HelpDesk, A New React-Admin Demo

We've built Acme Refrigerator HelpDesk, a complete help desk single-page application allowing to manage tickets, customers, and products. It's a great example of a real-world application built with React and react-admin.
The best part? Its source code is available on GitHub.
Reading the code of real-world applications is the best way to learn. This app will help you to get up to speed with react and react-admin. The source shows how to implement the following features:
- Real-time notifications
- Real-time reads and locks
- Site search
- Reference counting
- Show Aside
- Lifecycle callbacks
- Tabs with count
- Custom list layout with side filters
- Custom List layout for messages
- Custom creation form
- Latest Reference Field
- Mark as read on visit
- List with live updates
The data for this demo is generated at runtime in the browser. If you want to try and rebuild the app from scratch, you can use the data-generator-helpdesk package to generate realistic data.
This demo will continue to live and help us experiment with the latest react-admin features. Make sure you revisit it regularly!
And if you're looking for more examples, check out the react-admin demos page, featuring: