Bpifrance et GreenFrame : Retour d’expérience

Nous avons interviewé Calange Favreau, responsable Cloud chez Bpifrance, qui est utilisateur de GreenFrame et engagé dans une démarche de réduction de son empreinte carbone numérique.

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Latest posts by Jérémie Grossetete

Jérémie works as a Sales at Marmelab. He is stubborn, passionate about football, and loves to get in touch with new people.

Selling Open-Source Products Requires Sales & Marketing Skills

In our journey to monetize a popular open-source project, we realized that mere engineering skills weren't sufficient. Acquiring sales and marketing expertise was essential to make our project profitable.

Jérémie GrosseteteFrançois Zaninotto

From Open-Source Project to Marketable Product

How can you sell something that is free? We explain how we turned react-admin, a popular open-source project, into a profitable product.

Jérémie GrosseteteFrançois Zaninotto

Anatomy Of A Profitable Open-Source Project

We open the books of react-admin, a profitable open-source project generating almost €1M in revenue. We hope this will assist other open-source developers in building their businesses.

Jérémie GrosseteteFrançois Zaninotto

Turning Open-Source Into Profit: Our Journey

We’ve generated almost €1M with react-admin, an open-source developer tool. How did we do it? Here is our story, and it’s open-source, too.

Jérémie GrosseteteFrançois Zaninotto

Interview : LODEX, un outil open-source au service de la recherche

Comment se passe le un projet de développement web avec Marmelab ? Nous avons interviewé Camille de Salabert et Nicolas Thouvenin de l'Inist CNRS pour en savoir plus sur leur expérience.

Caroline SchneiderJérémie Grossetete

Des pratiques commerciales open-source ?

Les développeurs et facilitateurs partagent souvent ici leurs secrets de fabrication. Les commerciaux, jamais. Il est temps de réparer cette injustice.

Jérémie Grossetete