
Extend node-pg-pool Allow to connect to postgresql and execute query.

It adds:


import Pool from 'postgres-queries/pool';
const clientOptions = {
const poolingOptions = {
    max, // Max number of clients to create (defaults to 10)
    idleTimeoutMillis // how long a client is allowed to remain idle before being closed (defaults to 30 000 ms)
const pool = new Pool(clientOptions, poolingOptions);

// Or, you can get a namedQuery directly from another pool client without decorating it:
import Pool from 'pg-pool';
import { namedQueryFromPoolClient } from 'postgres-queries/pool';

const pool = new Pool();
pool.connect().then(client => {
    const namedQuery = namedQueryFromPoolClient(client);

Getting client with promise

const pool = new pgPool();
pool.connect().then((client) => {
    // use the client

// async/await
(async () => {
    const pool = new pgPool();
    const client = await pool.connect();


The postgres-queries/pool allow you to execute named queries.

Normally to avoid sql injection, we use numeric placeholder for parameters


    'SELECT * FROM user WHERE id=$1 AND password=$2;',
    [id, password]

Then id and password will then be properly sanitized by the client. But you have to keep track of the order, and this can become hard to work with.

postgres-queries/pool, support named query. This allow us to name the parameter

    sql: 'SELECT * FROM user WHERE id=$id AND password=$password;',
    parameters: {
        id: 'id',
        password: 'password',


It takes a literal with the following keys

  • sql: the sql string
  • parameters: a literal { parameterName: parameterValue } to inject in the sql.
  • returnOne: Optional boolean, if set to true, returns only the first result instead of an array.

Even if it’s good to separate the code to build the query from the code that execute them. At one time, we want to link the two. client.link links a queryBuilder function to the client so that it executes the query directly.

const selectOneById = client.link(selectOneById);
await selectOneById(1); // create and execute the query in one call.

client.link takes either a single configured queryBuilder, or a literal of several of them.