
The <ToggleThemeButton> component lets users switch from light to dark mode, and persists that choice by leveraging the store.

Dark Mode support


You can add the <ToggleThemeButton> to a custom App Bar:

import { AppBar, TitlePortal, ToggleThemeButton, defaultTheme } from 'react-admin';

const darkTheme = {
    palette: { mode: 'dark' },

export const MyAppBar = () => (
        <TitlePortal />
        <ToggleThemeButton lightTheme={defaultTheme} darkTheme={darkTheme} />

Then, pass the custom App Bar in a custom <Layout>, and the <Layout> to your <Admin>:

import { Admin, Layout } from 'react-admin';

import { MyAppBar } from './MyAppBar';

const MyLayout = (props) => <Layout {...props} appBar={MyAppBar} />;

const App = () => (
    <Admin dataProvider={dataProvider} layout={MyLayout}>


Required: A theme object to use when the user chooses the dark mode. It must be serializable to JSON.

const darkTheme = {
    palette: { mode: 'dark' },

<ToggleThemeButton darkTheme={darkTheme} />

Tip: React-admin calls MUI’s createTheme() on this object.


A theme object to use when the user chooses the light mode. It must be serializable to JSON.

const darkTheme = {
    palette: { mode: 'dark' },
const lightTheme = {
    palette: {
        type: 'light',
        primary: {
            main: '#3f51b5',
        secondary: {
            main: '#f50057',

<ToggleThemeButton lightTheme={lightTheme} darkTheme={darkTheme} />

React-admin uses the <Admin theme> prop as default theme.

Tip: React-admin calls MUI’s createTheme() on this object.