ng-admin: Add an AngularJS admin GUI to any RESTful API

Why spend time redeveloping an admin backend using PHP if you already have a RESTful API? Introducing ng-admin, an admin generator written entirely in JavaScript, supporting relationships, smart field types, and much more.

Daphné Popin
Daphné Popin15 septembre 2014

Derniers articles par Daphné Popin

Full-stack web developer at marmelab, Daphne is curious, and a fast learner.

ArcheoloGit: Visualize Code Age and Dev Activity

How I used d3.js to help detect potentially dangerous code in a large codebase

Daphné Popin
Daphné Popin15 mai 2014

My First Assignment: Creating an Elastica Adapter for the Sonata Admin list view

Just like every marmelab recruit, my first weeks are spent working on various new technologies (Node.js, ElasticSearch, MongoDb, etc) with real use cases.

Daphné Popin
Daphné Popin19 novembre 2013