Restful.js: Review of an open-source project

The truth about the lifecycle of the not well maintained restful.js

Robin Bressan
Robin Bressan29 juin 2016

Derniers articles par Robin Bressan

Full-stack web developer at marmelab, proficient in all things JavaScript. Running and photography addict.

Restful.js: A Framework Agnostic JS Client for RESTful APIs

Do you know Restangular, the Angular.js service that simplifies common GET, POST, DELETE, and UPDATE requests with a minimum of client code? It's excellent, except that it's Angular-only. We have developed a similar library in pure JavaScript. With no framework dependency, you can use it anywhere, especially in your React single-page applications.

Robin Bressan
Robin Bressan10 mars 2015

PHPCR Browser: Edit Support and Better Performance

The PHPCR Browser, initially released in late 2013, has been completely rewritten to improve performance and reliability, and to add support for tree edition.

Robin Bressan
Robin Bressan22 mai 2014

My First Assignment: a PHPCR Browser

I’ve just finished my master degree in IT at TELECOM Nancy, and my internship at INRIA. I was wondering if I preferred to continue studying in thesis, or to start looking for a job.

Robin Bressan
Robin Bressan16 décembre 2013