Building An AI Assistant at the Edge

Cloudflare recently launched Workers AI that provides machine learning model inference at the edge. This article explains how we built a simple AI Assistant using Nuxt and Llama 3 8B on Workers AI.

Jonathan ARNAULTAnthony RimetRead More

Latest posts by Jonathan ARNAULT

Full-stack web developer at marmelab, Jonathan likes to cook and do photography on his spare time.

Optical Character Recognition on Handwritten Documents

What is the state of the art in OCR of handwritten historical documents? We tested Open Source libraries and Cloud-based solutions, met researchers in the domain, and learned a lot in the process.

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User-Centric Testing using React Testing Library

Learn how to use Vitest and React Testing Library to write unit and integration tests for a Search Component.

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Building A Graphical User Interface in the Terminal using Go

For my onboarding at Marmelab, I built the Labyrinth game with a command line interface using Go and GOCUI.

Jonathan ARNAULT
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