
useShowController is the hook that handles all the controller logic for Show views. It’s used by <Show> and <ShowBase>.

This hook takes care of three things:

  • it reads the resource name and id from the resource context and browser location
  • it fetches the record from the data provider via dataProvider.getOne(),
  • it computes the default page title


You can use useShowController to create your own custom Show view, like this one:

import { useShowController, RecordContextProvider, SimpleShowLayout } from 'react-admin';

const PostShow = () => {
    const {
        defaultTitle, // the translated title based on the resource, e.g. 'Post #123'
        error,  // error returned by dataProvider when it failed to fetch the record. Useful if you want to adapt the view instead of just showing a notification using the `onError` side effect.
        isFetching, // boolean that is true while the record is being fetched, and false once the record is fetched
        isLoading, // boolean that is true until the record is available for the first time
        record, // record fetched via dataProvider.getOne() based on the id from the location
        refetch, // callback to refetch the record via dataProvider.getOne()
        resource, // the resource name, deduced from the location. e.g. 'posts'
    } = useShowController();

    if (isLoading) {
        return <div>Loading...</div>;
    if (error) {
        return <div>Error!</div>;
    return (
        <RecordContextProvider value={record}>
                <TextField source="title" />

This custom Show view has no action buttons - it’s up to you to add them in pure React.


useShowController expects one parameter argument. It’s an object with the following attributes:

  • queryOption: options to pass to the react-query client

Client Query Options

useShowController accepts a queryOptions prop to pass options to the react-query client.

This can be useful e.g. to override the default error side effect. By default, when the dataProvider.getOne() call fails at the dataProvider level, react-admin shows an error notification and refreshes the page.

You can override this behavior and pass custom side effects by providing a custom queryOptions prop:

import * as React from 'react';
import { useNotify, useRefresh, useRedirect, ShowBase, SimpleShowLayout } from 'react-admin';

const PostShow = props => {
    const notify = useNotify();
    const refresh = useRefresh();
    const redirect = useRedirect();

    const onError = (error) => {
        notify(`Could not load post: ${error.message}`, { type: 'error' });

    const {
    } = useShowController({ queryOptions: { onError } });

    if (isLoading) {
        return <div>Loading...</div>;
    if (error) {
        return <div>Error!</div>;
    return (
        <RecordContextProvider value={record}>
                <TextField source="title" />

The onError function receives the error from the dataProvider call (dataProvider.getOne()), which is a JavaScript Error object (see the dataProvider documentation for details).

The default onError function is:

(error) => {
    notify('ra.notification.item_doesnt_exist', { type: 'error' });
    redirect('list', resource);

Controlled Mode

By default, useShowController reads the resource name from the resource context, and the record id from the browser location.

But by passing resource and id props, you can run the controller logic outside these contexts:

import { useShowController } from 'react-admin';
import ShowView from './ShowView';

const MyShow = () => {
    const controllerProps = useShowController({ resource: 'posts', id: 1234 });
    return <ShowView {...controllerProps} />;

See Also

  • <ShowBase> calls useShowController, puts the result in a RecordContextProvider and renders the component child. In many cases, you’ll prefer this component to the hook version.