Argos: Comparing the Energy Consumption of Two Web Stacks

Does an app in Node.js/Rails consume more energy than the same app in Vanilla.js+WebComponents/React.js? We've used Argos, our energy footprint calculator, to find out.

Pierre-Etienne Moreau
Pierre-Etienne MoreauMarch 04, 2021
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Latest posts by Pierre-Etienne Moreau

Software Engineer and researcher in formal methods. Over the last 20 years Pierre-Etienne has contributed to the development of new programming languages as well as techniques to improve software quality. Pierre-Etienne has a PhD in Computer Science, he has published more than 40 papers in international conference. He is also a road cycling enthusiast.

Modsir : Un modèle SIR pour simuler l'épidémie de COVID

Modsir19 est un produit visant à modéliser et prévoir l’évolution de la pandémie Covid19 et ses conséquences sur l’occupation hospitalière. Marmelab a embarqué dans l'équipe pour 2 sprints de conception et développement des interfaces utilisateurs.

Pierre-Etienne MoreauFlorian Ferbach

Property Based Testing in Javascript

Want to be more confident with your code? Property Based Testing can automatically generate data to test your code

Pierre-Etienne Moreau
Pierre-Etienne MoreauApril 18, 2019