Marmelab est lauréat du Challenge Sobriété Numérique 2020
Notre projet: améliorer l'impact environnemental de react-admin et d'API Platform Admin, deux framework open-source très utilisés.

Latest posts by Florian Ferbach
Facilitator at marmelab, Florian also gives lectures to IT students. He's a biker, plays the guitar, and brews his own beer.
Modsir : Un modèle SIR pour simuler l'épidémie de COVID
Modsir19 est un produit visant à modéliser et prévoir l’évolution de la pandémie Covid19 et ses conséquences sur l’occupation hospitalière. Marmelab a embarqué dans l'équipe pour 2 sprints de conception et développement des interfaces utilisateurs.

Why and How We Made Our Website Privacy Friendly
Today is International Data Privacy Day, so we made some changes on our website to protect your privacy.

Amnesty International: Taking advantage of the Lean Startup methodology to prove ourselves wrong
The ideas we had for the urgent actions application were just assumptions. We tested them with the help of the Build-Measure-Learn feedback loop, and were quite surprised with the results.

Amnesty International: Designing the Experience
From solution to problem, the work we did for Amnesty is a great example of how we design digital products

Helping Amnesty International Target a New Audience
The pen is mightier than the sword... Can we get a smartphone to be as mighty? Read the story of how Marmelab helped AI to invent a new form of activism.

Agile Lean Ireland 2019: The Conference You Wish You Had Gone To
In the middle of Dublin, and with an impressive line-up of speakers, this agile conference was really worth the trip.

The Innovator's Dilemma: How Can You Loose When You Seem to Be Winning?
If you want to understand what true disruptive innovation is and go further than the buzzword: Read that book.

First-class End-to-end Testing on Meteor
How to setup cypress e2e tests on a meteor app

User Stories Are Overrated
Trying to fit every requirement into a user story leads to backlog aberration. We should only use User Stories when trying to capture user value.

Marmelab permet aux entreprises clientes d'Harmonie Mutuelle d'ajuster leurs dépenses grâce à une DataViz
Une idée à forte incertitude, plein de risques techniques, le tout dans un grand groupe : ce projet est un candidat idéal pour l'approche marmelab.