
This Enterprise Edition hook subscribes to the events from a topic on mount (and unsubscribe on unmount).



The following component subscribes to the messages/{channelName} topic and displays a badge with the number of unread messages:

import { useState, useCallback } from 'react';
import { Badge, Typography } from '@mui/material';
import { useSubscribe } from '@react-admin/ra-realtime';

const ChannelName = ({ name }) => {
    const [nbMessages, setNbMessages] = useState(0);

    const callback = useCallback(
        event => {
            if (event.type === 'created') {
                setNbMessages(count => count + 1);

    useSubscribe(`messages/${name}`, callback);

    return nbMessages > 0 ? (
        <Badge badgeContent={nbMessages} color="primary">
            <Typography># {name}</Typography>
    ) : (
        <Typography># {name}</Typography>


Prop Required Type Default Description
topic Optional string - The topic to subscribe to. When empty, no subscription is created.
callback Optional function - The callback to execute when an event is received.
options Optional object - Options to modify the subscription / unsubscription behavior.


This function will be called with the event as its first argument, so you can use it to update the UI.

useSubscribe(`messages/${name}`, event => {
    if (event.type === 'created') {
        setNbMessages(count => count + 1);

Tip: Memoize the callback using useCallback to avoid unnecessary subscriptions/unsubscriptions.

const callback = useCallback(
    event => {
        if (event.type === 'created') {
            setNbMessages(count => count + 1);
useSubscribe(`messages/${name}`, callback);

The callback function receives an unsubscribe callback as its second argument. You can call it to unsubscribe from the topic after receiving a specific event.

import { useState, useCallback } from 'react';
import { LinearProgress } from '@mui/material';
import { useSubscribe } from '@react-admin/ra-realtime';

const JobProgress = ({ jobId }) => {
    const [progress, setProgress] = useState(0);
    const [color, setColor] = useState('primary');
    const callback = useCallback(
        (event, unsubscribe) => {
            if (event.type === 'progress') {
            if (event.type === 'completed') {
    useSubscribe(`jobs/${jobId}`, callback);
    return (
        <LinearProgress variant="determinate" value={progress} color={color} />

Using unsubscribe


The options object can contain the following properties:

  • enabled: Whether to subscribe or not. Defaults to true
  • once: Whether to unsubscribe after the first event. Defaults to false.
  • unsubscribeOnUnmount: Whether to unsubscribe on unmount. Defaults to true.

You can use the once option to subscribe to a topic only once, and then unsubscribe.

For instance, the following component subscribes to the office/restart topic and changes the message when the office is open, then unsubscribes from the topic:

import { useState } from 'react';
import { useSubscribe } from '@react-admin/ra-realtime';

const OfficeClosed = () => {
    const [state, setState] = useState('closed');

    useSubscribe('office/restart', () => setState('open'), { once: true });

    return (
            {state === 'closed'
                ? 'Sorry, the office is closed for maintenance.'
                : 'Welcome! The office is open.'}



The first argument of useSubscribe is the topic to subscribe to. It can be an arbitrary string.

useSubscribe('messages', event => {
    // ...

If you want to subscribe to CRUD events, instead of writing the topic manually like resource/[resource], you can use the useSubscribeToRecord or useSubscribeToRecordList hooks.