
This hook lets you build custom inputs for react-admin. It’s a wrapper around react-hook-form’s useController.

React-admin adds functionality to react-hook-form:

  • handling of custom event emitters like onChange,
  • support for an array of validators,
  • detection of required fields to add an asterisk to the field label,
  • parse and format to translate record values to form values and vice-versa.


useInput expects at least a source, and returns an object with the following properties:

{ id, field, fieldState, formState, isRequired }

For instance, to build a custom input for a title field:

import { useInput } from 'react-admin';

const TitleInput = ({ source, label }) => {
    const { id, field, fieldState } = useInput({ source });
    return (
        <label htmlFor={id}>
            <input id={id} {...field} />
            {fieldState.error && <span>{fieldState.error.message}</span>}


Prop Required Type Default Description
source Required string - The name of the field in the record
defaultValue Optional any - The default value of the input
format Optional Function - A function to format the value from the record to the input value
parse Optional Function - A function to parse the value from the input to the record value
validate Optional Function | Function[] - A function or an array of functions to validate the input value
id Optional string - The id of the input
onChange Optional Function - A function to call when the input value changes
onBlur Optional Function - A function to call when the input is blurred

Additional props are passed to react-hook-form’s useController hook.

Usage with Material UI <TextField>

// in LatLongInput.js
import TextField from '@mui/material/TextField';
import { useInput, required, InputHelperText } from 'react-admin';

const BoundedTextField = (props) => {
    const { onChange, onBlur, label, helperText, } = props;
    const {
        fieldState: { isTouched, invalid, error },
        formState: { isSubmitted },
    } = useInput({
        // Pass the event handlers to the hook but not the component as the field property already has them.
        // useInput will call the provided onChange and onBlur in addition to the default needed by react-hook-form.

    return (
            error={(isTouched || isSubmitted) && invalid}
            helperText={helperText !== false || ((isTouched || isSubmitted) && invalid)
                ? (
                        touched={isTouched || isSubmitted}
                : ''

const LatLngInput = props => {
    const { source, } = props;

    return (
            <BoundedTextField source="lat" label="Latitude" validate={required()} {} />
            <BoundedTextField source="lng" label="Longitude" validate={required()} {} />

Usage with Material UI <Select>

// in SexInput.js
import Select from '@mui/material/Select';
import MenuItem from '@mui/material/MenuItem';
import { useInput } from 'react-admin';

const SexInput = props => {
    const {
        fieldState: { isTouched, invalid, error },
        formState: { isSubmitted }
    } = useInput(props);

    return (
            <MenuItem value="M">Male</MenuItem>
            <MenuItem value="F">Female</MenuItem>
export default SexInput;

Tip: useInput accepts all arguments that you can pass to useController. Besides, components using useInput accept props like format and parse, to convert values from the form to the input, and vice-versa:

const parse = value => {/* ... */};
const format = value => {/* ... */};

const PersonEdit = () => (
                format={formValue => formValue === 0 ? 'M' : 'F'}
                parse={inputValue => inputValue === 'M' ? 0 : 1}

Tip: Remember to use react-admin’s <InputHelperText> component in custom inputs to properly translate and render messages and errors coming from useInput().

Important note about formState

react-hook-form’s formState is wrapped with a Proxy to improve render performance and skip extra computation if specific state is not subscribed. So, make sure you deconstruct or read the formState before render in order to enable the subscription.

const { isDirty } = useFormState(); // âś…
const formState = useFormState(); // ❌ should deconstruct the formState      

This pattern should be followed when writing a custom input with useInput().

const { formState: { isSubmitted }} = useInput(props); // âś…

const { formState } = useInput(props);
const submitted = formState.isSubmitted; // ❌