
Some applications may require to determine what level of access a particular authenticated user should have to secured resources. Since there are many different possible strategies (single role, multiple roles or rights, etc.), admin-on-rest simply provides hooks to execute your own authorization code.

By default, an admin-on-rest app doesn’t require authorization. However, if needed, it will rely on the authClient introduced in the Authentication section.

Configuring the Auth Client

A call to the authClient with the AUTH_GET_PERMISSIONS type will be made each time a component requires to check the user’s permissions.

Following is an example where the authClient stores the user’s role upon authentication, and returns it when called for a permissions check:

// in src/authClient.js
import decodeJwt from 'jwt-decode';

export default (type, params) => {
    if (type === AUTH_LOGIN) {
        const { username, password } = params;
        const request = new Request('', {
            method: 'POST',
            body: JSON.stringify({ username, password }),
            headers: new Headers({ 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }),
        return fetch(request)
            .then(response => {
                if (response.status < 200 || response.status >= 300) {
                    throw new Error(response.statusText);
                return response.json();
            .then(({ token }) => {
                const decodedToken = decodeJwt(token);
                localStorage.setItem('token', token);
                localStorage.setItem('role', decodedToken.role);
    if (type === AUTH_LOGOUT) {
        return Promise.resolve();
    if (type === AUTH_ERROR) {
        // ...
    if (type === AUTH_CHECK) {
        return localStorage.getItem('token') ? Promise.resolve() : Promise.reject();
    if (type === AUTH_GET_PERMISSIONS) {
        const role = localStorage.getItem('role');
        return Promise.resolve(role);

    return Promise.reject('Unkown method');

Restricting Access To Resources or Views

It’s possible to restrict access to resources or their views inside the Admin component. To do so, you must specify a function as the Admin only child. This function will be called with the permissions returned by the authClient.

    {permissions => [
        // Restrict access to the edit and remove views to admin only
            edit={permissions === 'admin' ? VisitorEdit : null}
            remove={permissions === 'admin' ? VisitorDelete : null}
        // Only include the categories resource for admin users
        permissions === 'admin'
            ? <Resource name="categories" list={CategoryList} edit={CategoryEdit} remove={Delete} icon={CategoryIcon} />
            : null,

Note that the function returns an array of React elements. This is required to avoid having to wrap them in a container element which would prevent the Admin from working.

Tip Even if that’s possible, be careful when completely excluding a resource (like with the categories resource in this example) as it will prevent you to reference them in the other resource views, too.

Restricting Access To Fields And Inputs

You might want to display some fields, inputs or filters only to users with specific permissions. Just like for resources, pass a function as only child of the component, instead of a set of Fields and Inputs.

Here’s an example inside a Create view with a SimpleForm and a custom Toolbar:

const UserCreateToolbar = ({ permissions, ...props }) =>
    <Toolbar {...props}>
        {permissions === 'admin' &&

export const UserCreate = ({ ...props }) =>
    <Create {...props}>
        {permissions =>
                toolbar={<UserCreateToolbar permissions={permissions} />}
                defaultValue={{ role: 'user' }}
                <TextInput source="name" validate={required} />
                {permissions === 'admin' &&
                    <TextInput source="role" validate={required} />}

This also works inside an Edition view with a TabbedForm, and you can hide a FormTab completely:

export const UserEdit = ({ ...props }) =>
    <Edit title={<UserTitle />} {...props}>
        {permissions =>
            <TabbedForm defaultValue={{ role: 'user' }}>
                <FormTab label="user.form.summary">
                    {permissions === 'admin' && <DisabledInput source="id" />}
                    <TextInput source="name" validate={required} />
                {permissions === 'admin' &&
                    <FormTab label="">
                        <TextInput source="role" validate={required} />

What about the List view, the DataGrid, SimpleList and Filter components? It works there, too.

const UserFilter = ({ ...props }) =>
    <Filter {...props}>
        {permissions => [
            <TextInput key="name" source="name" />,
            permissions === 'admin' ? <TextInput key="role" source="role" /> : null,

export const UserList = ({ ...props }) =>
        filters={<UserFilter />}
        sort={{ field: 'name', order: 'ASC' }}
        {permissions =>
                        primaryText={record =>}
                        secondaryText={record =>
                            permissions === 'admin' ? record.role : null}
                        <TextField source="id" />
                        <TextField source="name" />
                        {permissions === 'admin' && <TextField source="role" />}
                        {permissions === 'admin' && <EditButton />}
                        <ShowButton />

Note that for the Filter component, the function returns an array of React elements. This is required to avoid having to wrap them in a container element which would prevent the Filter from working.

Restricting Access To Content In Custom Pages or Menus

What if you want to check the permissions inside a Dashboard, a custom page or a custom menu ? Admin-on-rest provides two components for that: WithPermission and SwitchPermissions.


The WithPermission component will only display its content if the user has the required permissions. Let’s see an example with a custom menu where a custom page link should only be presented to admins:

// in src/Menu.js
import React from 'react';
import { MenuItemLink, WithPermission } from 'admin-on-rest';

export default ({ onMenuTap, logout }) => (
        <MenuItemLink to="/posts" primaryText="Posts" onClick={onMenuTap} />
        <MenuItemLink to="/comments" primaryText="Comments" onClick={onMenuTap} />
        <WithPermission value="admin">
            <MenuItemLink to="/custom-route" primaryText="Miscellaneous" onClick={onMenuTap} />

The WithPermission component requires either a value with the permissions to check (could be a role, an array of roles, etc) or a resolve function.

An additional exact prop may be specified depending on your requirements. It determines whether the user must have all the required permissions or only some. If false, the default, we’ll only check if the user has at least one of the required permissions.

You may bypass the default logic by specifying a function as the resolve prop. This function may return true or false directly or a promise resolving to either true or false. It will be called with an object having the following properties:

  • permissions: the result of the authClient call.
  • value: the value of the value prop if specified
  • exact: the value of the exact prop if specified

An optional loading prop may be specified on the WithPermission component to pass a component to display while checking for permissions. It defaults to null.

Tip: Do not use the WithPermission component inside the others admin-on-rest components. It is only meant to be used in custom pages or components.


The SwitchPermissions component will display one of its Permission children depending on the permissions returned by the authClient. It accepts two optional props:

  • loading: A component to display while checking for permissions. Defaults to null.
  • notFound: A component to display when no match was found while checking the permissions. Default to null.

The Permission component requires either a value with the permissions to check (could be a role, an array of roles, etc) or a resolve function.

An additional exact prop may be specified depending on your requirements. It determines whether the user must have all the required permissions or only some. If false, the default, we’ll only check if the user has at least one of the required permissions.

You may bypass the default logic by specifying a function as the resolve prop. This function may return true or false directly or a promise resolving to either true or false. It will be called with an object having the following properties:

  • permissions: the result of the authClient call.
  • value: the value of the value prop if specified
  • exact: the value of the exact prop if specified

If multiple Permission match, only the first one will be displayed.

Here’s an example inside a DashBoard:

// in src/Dashboard.js
import React from 'react';
import BenefitsSummary from './BenefitsSummary';
import BenefitsDetailsWithSensitiveData from './BenefitsDetailsWithSensitiveData';
import { ViewTitle } from 'admin-on-rest/lib/mui';

export default () => (
        <ViewTitle title="Dashboard" />

            <Permission value="associate">
                <BenefitsSummary />
            <Permission value="boss">
                <BenefitsDetailsWithSensitiveData />

Tip: Do not use the SwitchPermissions component inside the others admin-on-rest components. It is only meant to be used in custom pages or components.