How to Run React-Admin On Next.Js
React-admin is designed for single-page-apps, but can also run with an SSR framework like Next.js

Latest posts by Adrien Amoros
Full-stack web developer at marmelab, Adrien is a Software Engineer with a strong taste for agile project management. He's also a judoka! He has only one goal: discover Irene's identity.
Become a {javascript} ninja with Ninja Coder
Recruiters ask everywhere for Ninja developers. We've built the perfect IDE for such developers, using Machine Learning and Pose detection.

Plugging React-Admin To Google Sheets
React-admin pretends it can connect to any backend using a custom data provider. I decided to challenge this statement. How far did I go?

Changing The Look And Feel Of React-Admin Without JSX
Learn how to customize the theme of a react-admin application without rewriting everything

Au secours, mon poste ne démarre plus !
On connaît tous ce collègue qui, un matin, s'est retrouvé face à un écran noir. La plupart du temps, il suffit d'appeler le service support de l'entreprise. Mais chez nous, chaque dévelopeur est responsable de sa machine. Voilà comment nous gérons ça.

What Can React Developers Learn From The Vue.Js Ecosystem?
For the first time, marmelab developers attended the European VueJs conference. Read on to discover what we learned!

How To Improve Postgres Performance: Our Tips and Tricks
We recently had to investigate and optimize a large PostgreSQL database. Here is a what we did to remove the bottlenecks.

How to Create a Carousel and a Wizard Form With React and CSS-in-JS
A wizard form is like a carousel: it's a series of slides. Implementing it in React is a great way to learn about state, transitions, and CSS-in-JS.

Le jeu du Taquin en React et React Native
Compte-rendu des quatrième et cinquième semaines de mon intégration chez Marmelab, au cours desquelles j'ai développé une application et un client web en React

Le jeu du Taquin en php (framework Symfony)
Compte rendu de ma troisième semaine d'intégration chez Marmelab : développement d'un client web en php (framework Symfony), basé sur l'api 15 puzzle

Minutes of DotJS 2017
We attended the DotJS 2017 conference in Paris. We saw several awesome talks worth watching. Read on for details!