Let's Play Poker (Planning)

Building a collaborative Planning Poker Application with no server using peerJS.

Julien Mattiussi
Julien MattiussiMarch 30, 2023
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Latest posts by Julien Mattiussi

Full-stack web developer at marmelab, Julien follows a customer-centric approach and likes to dig deep into hard problems. He also plugs Legos to computers. He doesn't know who is Irene...

Au coeur du Volcamp

On a assisté à la conférence Volcamp en Auvergne, inflitrés au coeur du domaine du groupe LavaJUG. Voici ce qu'on en a retenu

Arnaud TilbianJulien Mattiussi
Arnaud Tilbian & Julien MattiussiNovember 17, 2022

LorrainJS: la librairie qui parle Lorrain

Découvrez les prototypes JavaScript, les expressions régulières, et la publication de package npm grâce à une librairie que personne, personne n'a jamais demandée

Alexandre HerbethJulien Mattiussi

Dessiner un logo en LOGO, c'est possible ?

Peut-on faire du beau code avec un vieux language périmé ? La seule façon de le savoir, c'est d'essayer !

Julien Mattiussi
Julien MattiussiFebruary 23, 2022

Building A Retro React-Admin Theme For Fun And Profit

While waiting for the react-admin of the future, let's discover the react-admin of the past.

Julien Mattiussi
Julien MattiussiDecember 15, 2021

On a terminé le FALL CHALLENGE 2021

Notre petite équipe à défendu l'honneur de Marmelab sur l'escape game organisé par CodinGame.com

Julien MattiussiGuillaume BilleyAlexandre Herbeth

Discovering Rust by Playing the Quoridor Board Game

To learn a new language, nothing beats practice. We've used Rust to redevelop a game that we already built in many other languages. Here are our impressions.

Matthieu ChaffotteJulien Mattiussi

I Tested React Server Components And I'm Not A Fan (Yet).

React Server Components are an upcoming feature of the React framework. I wanted to form my own opinion about them. Spoiler: It's mixed

Julien Mattiussi
Julien MattiussiJune 15, 2021

Web Worker à l'école des sorciers

Découverte de la magie des web workers à travers React.

Julien Mattiussi
Julien MattiussiNovember 20, 2019

Symfony for Quarto in Allegro! My third integration week at Marmelab.

How I made Quarto a pleasant game with a Symfony graphical user interface, and learned a lot in the process.

Julien Mattiussi
Julien MattiussiJune 19, 2019

What Can React Developers Learn From The Vue.Js Ecosystem?

For the first time, marmelab developers attended the European VueJs conference. Read on to discover what we learned!

Adrien AmorosJulien Mattiussi

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