
The <InfiniteList> component is an alternative to the <List> component that allows user to load more records when they scroll to the bottom of the list. It’s useful when you have a large number of records, or when users are using a mobile device.

<InfiniteList> fetches the list of records from the data provider, and renders the default list layout (title, buttons, filters). It delegates the rendering of the list of records to its child component. Usually, it’s a <Datagrid> or a <SimpleList>, responsible for displaying a table with one row for each record.


Here is the minimal code necessary to display a list of books with infinite scroll:

// in src/books.js
import { InfiniteList, Datagrid, TextField, DateField } from 'react-admin';

export const BookList = () => (
            <TextField source="id" />
            <TextField source="title" />
            <DateField source="author" />

// in src/App.js
import { Admin, Resource } from 'react-admin';
import jsonServerProvider from 'ra-data-json-server';

import { BookList } from './books';

const App = () => (
    <Admin dataProvider={jsonServerProvider('https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com')}>
        <Resource name="books" list={BookList} />

export default App;

That’s enough to display a basic post list, that users can sort and filter, and load additional records when they reach the bottom of the list.

Tip: <Datagrid> has a sticky header by default, so the user can always see the column names when they scroll down.


The props are the same as the <List> component:

Prop Required Type Default Description
children Required ReactNode - The component to use to render the list of records.
actions Optional ReactElement - The actions to display in the toolbar.
aside Optional ReactElement - The component to display on the side of the list.
component Optional Component Card The component to render as the root element.
debounce Optional number 500 The debounce delay in milliseconds to apply when users change the sort or filter parameters.
disable Authentication Optional boolean false Set to true to disable the authentication check.
disable SyncWithLocation Optional boolean false Set to true to disable the synchronization of the list parameters with the URL.
empty Optional ReactElement - The component to display when the list is empty.
empty WhileLoading Optional boolean false Set to true to return null while the list is loading.
exporter Optional function - The function to call to export the list.
filters Optional ReactElement - The filters to display in the toolbar.
filter Optional object - The permanent filter values.
filter DefaultValues Optional object - The default filter values.
hasCreate Optional boolean false Set to true to show the create button.
pagination Optional ReactElement <Infinite Pagination> The pagination component to use.
perPage Optional number 10 The number of records to fetch per page.
queryOptions Optional object - The options to pass to the useQuery hook.
resource Optional string - The resource name, e.g. posts.
sort Optional object - The initial sort parameters.
storeKey Optional string - The key to use to store the current filter & sort.
title Optional string - The title to display in the App Bar.
sx Optional object - The CSS styles to apply to the component.

Check the <List> component for details about each prop.

Additional props are passed down to the root component (a MUI <Card> by default).


You can replace the default “load on scroll” pagination (triggered by a component named <InfinitePagination>) by a custom pagination component. To get the pagination state and callbacks, you’ll need to read the InfinitePaginationContext.

load more button

For example, here is a custom infinite pagination component displaying a “Load More” button at the bottom of the list:

import { InfiniteList, useInfinitePaginationContext, Datagrid, TextField } from 'react-admin';
import { Box, Button } from '@mui/material';

const LoadMore = () => {
    const {
    } = useInfinitePaginationContext();
    return hasNextPage ? (
        <Box mt={1} textAlign="center">
                onClick={() => fetchNextPage()}
                Load more
    ) : null;

export const BookList = () => (
    <InfiniteList pagination={<LoadMore />}>
            <TextField source="id" />
            <TextField source="title" />
            <TextField source="author" />

Showing The Record Count

One drawback of the <InfiniteList> component is that it doesn’t show the number of results. To fix this, you can use useListContext to access the total property of the list, and render the total number of results in a sticky footer:

Infinite list with total number of results

import { useListContext, InfinitePagination, InfiniteList } from 'react-admin';
import { Box, Card, Typography } from '@mui/material';

const CustomPagination = () => {
    const { total } = useListContext();
    return (
            <InfinitePagination />
            {total > 0 && (
                <Box position="sticky" bottom={0} textAlign="center">
                        sx={{ px: 2, py: 1, mb: 1, display: 'inline-block' }}
                        <Typography variant="body2">{total} results</Typography>

export const BookList = () => (
    <InfiniteList pagination={<CustomPagination />}>
        // ...