
Displays a date, datetime or time using the browser locale (thanks to Date.toLocaleDateString(), Date.toLocaleString() and Date.toLocaleTimeString()).

import { DateField } from 'react-admin';

<DateField source="publication_date" />


Prop Required Type Default Description
locales Optional string ’’ Override the browser locale in the date formatting. Passed as first argument to Intl.DateTimeFormat().
options Optional Object - Date formatting options. Passed as second argument to Intl.DateTimeFormat().
showTime Optional boolean false If true, show the time
showDate Optional boolean true If true, show the date

<DateField> also accepts the common field props.


This component accepts showTime and showDate props to decide whether to display a date (showTime=false and showDate=true), a datetime (showTime=true and showDate=true) or time (showTime=true and showDate=false). Setting showTime and showDate to false at the same time will throw and error. It uses Intl.DateTimeFormat() if available, passing the locales and options props as arguments. If Intl is not available, it ignores the locales and options props.

<DateField source="publication_date" />
// renders the record { id: 1234, publication_date: new Date('2017-04-23') } as

<DateField source="publication_date" showTime />
// renders the record { id: 1234, publication_date: new Date('2017-04-23 23:05') } as
<span>4/23/2017, 11:05:00 PM</span>

<DateField source="publication_date" showTime showDate={false} />
// renders the record { id: 1234, publication_date: new Date('2017-04-23 23:05') } as
<span>11:05:00 PM</span>

<DateField source="publication_date" showTime={false} showDate={false} />
// throws an error as nothing would be displayed

<DateField source="publication_date" options={{ weekday: 'long', year: 'numeric', month: 'long', day: 'numeric' }} />
// renders the record { id: 1234, publication_date: new Date('2017-04-23') } as
<span>Sunday, April 23, 2017</span>

<DateField source="publication_date" locales="fr-FR" />
// renders the record { id: 1234, publication_date: new Date('2017-04-23') } as

See Intl.DateTimeFormat documentation for the options prop syntax.

Tip: If you need more formatting options than what Intl.DateTimeFormat can provide, build your own field component leveraging a third-party library like moment.js.