
If you need to render a link to a file based on a path contained in a record field, you can use the <FileField /> component:

import { FileField } from 'react-admin';

<FileField source="url" title="title" />

// renders the record { id: 123, url: 'doc.pdf', title: 'Presentation' } as 
    <a href="doc.pdf" title="Presentation">Presentation</a>

This field is also often used within a <FileInput /> component to display preview.


Prop Required Type Default Description
src Optional string - A function returning a string (or an element) to display based on a record
title Optional string record.title The name of the property containing the image source if the value is an array of objects
target Optional string - The link target. Set to ā€œ_blankā€ to open the file on a new tab
download Optional boolean | string - Prompts the user to save the linked URL instead of navigating to it
ping Optional string - A space-separated list of URLs. When the link is followed, the browser will send POST requests with the body PING to the URLs. Typically for tracking.
rel Optional string - The relationship of the linked URL as space-separated link types (e.g. ā€˜noopenerā€™, ā€˜canonicalā€™, etc.).

<FileField> also accepts the common field props.


The <FileField> component accepts the usual className prop. You can also override many styles of the inner components thanks to the sx property (as most Material UI components, see their documentation about it).

To override the style of all instances of <FileField> using the Material UI style overrides, use the RaFileField key.


The optional title prop points to the file title property, used for title attributes. It can either be a hard-written string, or a path within your JSON object:

// { file: { url: 'doc.pdf', title: 'Presentation' } }

<FileField source="file.url" title="file.title" />
// renders the file name as "Presentation"

<FileField source="file.url" title="File" />
// renders the file name as "File", since "File" is not a path in previous given object

If the record actually contains an array of files in its property defined by the source prop, the src prop will be needed to determine the href value of the links, for example:

// This is the record
    files: [
        { url: 'image1.jpg', desc: 'First image' },
        { url: 'image2.jpg', desc: 'Second image' },

<FileField source="files" src="url" title="desc" />

You can optionally set the target prop to choose which window will the link try to open in.

// Will make the file open in new window
<FileField source="file.url" target="_blank" />