
<Labeled> adds a label on top of its child if the child exposes a label prop, or if it’s a field with a source prop. It’s used in Show layouts, to display both a field and its label.


<Labeled> is mostly an internal component - you don’t need it if you’re using <SimpleShowLayout> or <TabbedShowLayout>. But, in a custom layout or in a form, if you want to display a label on top of a field value, just wrap the Field component with <Labeled>.

import { Show, Labeled, TextField } from 'react-admin';
import { Card, Stack } from '@mui/material';

const BookShow = () => (
               <TextField source="title" />


<Labeled> uses the humanized source, and renders it above the field value. So for the previous example, the label would be "Title".

<Labeled> uses the i18n layer, so you can translate the label. The message key for a label is resources.{resource}.fields.{source} (e.g. resources.books.fields.title for the element above). Check the Translation chapter for more information.

<Labeled> can also use an explicit label prop:

import { Show, Labeled, TextField } from 'react-admin';
import { Card, Stack } from '@mui/material';

const BookShow = () => (
            <Labeled label="My custom label">
               <TextField source="title" />

A component inside <Labeled> can opt out of label decoration by using the label={false} prop.

import { Show, Labeled, TextField } from 'react-admin';
import { Card, Stack } from '@mui/material';

const BookShow = () => (
               <TextField source="title" label={false} />



The <Labeled> component accepts the usual className prop. You can also override many styles of the inner components thanks to the sx property (see the sx documentation for syntax and examples). This property accepts the following subclasses:

Rule name Description
&.RaLabeled-fullWidth Applied to the root component
& .RaLabeled-label Applied to the underlying Material UI’s Typography component

To override the style of all instances of <Labeled> using the application-wide style overrides, use the RaLabeled key.