
The useListController hook fetches the data, prepares callbacks for modifying the pagination, filters, sort and selection, and returns them. Its return value match the ListContext shape. useListController is used internally by the <List> and <ListBase> components.

You can use it to create a custom List view, although its component counterpart, <ListBase>, is probably better in most cases.


It’s common to call useListController() without parameters, and to put the result in a ListContext to make it available to the rest of the component tree.

import { 
} from 'react-admin';

const MyList = () => {
    const listContext = useListController();
    return (
        <ListContextProvider value={listContext}>

Input Format

useListController expects one object as parameter. All keys are optional.

  • debounce: debounce time in ms for the setFilters callbacks
  • disableAuthentication: set to true to allow anonymous access to the list
  • disableSyncWithLocation: set to true to have more than one list per page
  • exporter: exporter function
  • filter: permanent filter, forced over the user filter
  • filterDefaultValues: default values for the filter form
  • perPage: number of results per page
  • queryOptions: react-query options for the useQuery call
  • resource: resource name, e.g. ‘posts’ ; defaults to the current resource context
  • sort, current sort value, e.g. { field: 'published_at', order: 'DESC' }
  • storeKey: key used to differentiate the list from another sharing the same resource, in store managed states

Here are their default values:

import {  
} from 'react-admin';

const MyList = ({
    debounce = 500,
    disableAuthentication = false,
    disableSyncWithLocation = false,
    exporter = defaultExporter,
    filter = undefined,
    filterDefaultValues = undefined,
    perPage = 10,
    queryOptions = undefined,
    resource = '',
    sort = { field: 'id', order: 'DESC' },
    storeKey = undefined,
}) => {
    const listContext = useListController({
    return (
        <ListContextProvider value={listContext}>


To display multiple lists of the same resource and keep distinct store states for each of them (filters, sorting and pagination), specify unique keys with the storeKey property.

In case no storeKey is provided, the states will be stored with the following key: ${resource}.listParams.

Note: Please note that selection state will remain linked to a resource-based key as described here.

If you want to disable the storage of list parameters altogether for a given list, you can use the disableSyncWithLocation prop.

In the example below, both lists TopPosts and FlopPosts use the same resource (‘posts’), but their controller states are stored separately (under the store keys 'top' and 'flop' respectively).

import { useListController } from 'react-admin';

const OrderedPostList = ({
}) => {
    const params = useListController({
        resource: 'posts',
    return (
            <ul style={styles.ul}>
                {!params.isLoading &&
           => (
                        <li key={`post_${}`}>
                            {post.title} - {post.votes} votes

const TopPosts = (
    <OrderedPostList storeKey="top" sort={{ field: 'votes', order: 'DESC' }} />
const FlopPosts = (
    <OrderedPostList storeKey="flop" sort={{ field: 'votes', order: 'ASC' }} />

You can disable this feature by setting the storeKey prop to false. When disabled, parameters will not be persisted in the store.

Return Value

The return value of useListController has the following shape:

const {
    // fetched data
    data, // an array of the list records, e.g. [{ id: 123, title: 'hello world' }, { ... }]
    total, // the total number of results for the current filters, excluding pagination. Useful to build the pagination controls, e.g. 23      
    isFetching, // boolean that is true while the data is being fetched, and false once the data is fetched
    isLoading, // boolean that is true until the data is available for the first time
    // pagination
    page, // the current page. Starts at 1
    perPage, // the number of results per page. Defaults to 25
    setPage, // a callback to change the page, e.g. setPage(3)
    setPerPage, // a callback to change the number of results per page, e.g. setPerPage(25)
    hasPreviousPage, // boolean, true if the current page is not the first one
    hasNextPage, // boolean, true if the current page is not the last one
    // sorting
    sort, // a sort object { field, order }, e.g. { field: 'date', order: 'DESC' }
    setSort, // a callback to change the sort, e.g. setSort({ field: 'name', order: 'ASC' })
    // filtering
    filterValues, // a dictionary of filter values, e.g. { title: 'lorem', nationality: 'fr' }
    displayedFilters, // a dictionary of the displayed filters, e.g. { title: true, nationality: true }
    setFilters, // a callback to update the filters, e.g. setFilters(filters, displayedFilters)
    showFilter, // a callback to show one of the filters, e.g. showFilter('title', defaultValue)
    hideFilter, // a callback to hide one of the filters, e.g. hideFilter('title')
    // record selection
    selectedIds, // an array listing the ids of the selected rows, e.g. [123, 456]
    onSelect, // callback to change the list of selected rows, e.g. onSelect([456, 789])
    onToggleItem, // callback to toggle the selection of a given record based on its id, e.g. onToggleItem(456)
    onUnselectItems, // callback to clear the selection, e.g. onUnselectItems();
    // misc
    defaultTitle, // the translated title based on the resource, e.g. 'Posts'
    resource, // the resource name, deduced from the location. e.g. 'posts'
    refetch, // callback for fetching the list data again
} = listContext;