Supported Auth Provider Backends
It’s very common that your auth logic is so specific that you’ll need to write your own authProvider
. However, the community has built a few open-source Auth Providers that may fit your need:
Auth0 by Okta: marmelab/ra-auth-auth0
AWS Amplify: MrHertal/react-admin-amplify
AWS Cognito: marmelab/ra-auth-cognito
Azure Active Directory (using MSAL): marmelab/ra-auth-msal (Tutorial)
Casdoor: NMB-Lab/reactadmin-casdoor-authprovider
Directus: marmelab/ra-directus
Firebase Auth (Google, Facebook, GitHub, etc.): benwinding/react-admin-firebase
Google Identity & Google Workspace: marmelab/ra-auth-google
Keycloak: marmelab/ra-keycloak
Supabase: marmelab/ra-supabase
SurrealDB: djedi23/ra-surrealdb
Beyond ready-to-use providers, you may find help in these third-party tutorials about integrating more authentication backends:
If you have released a reusable authProvider
, or a tutorial for another auth backend, please open a PR to add it to this list!