
If you need to translate messages in your own components, React-admin provides a useTranslate hook, which returns the translate function.


const translate = useTranslate();
const translatedMessage = translate(translationKey, options);


// in src/MyHelloButton.js
import * as React from "react";
import { useTranslate } from 'react-admin';

const MyHelloButton = () => {
    const translate = useTranslate();
    return (

export default MyHelloButton;

Tip: For your message identifiers, choose a different root name than ra and resources, which are reserved.

Tip: Don’t use useTranslate for Field and Input labels, or for page titles, as they are already translated:

// don't do this
<TextField source="first_name" label={translate('myroot.first_name')} />

// do this instead
<TextField source="first_name" label="myroot.first_name" />

// or even better, use the default translation key
<TextField source="first_name" />
// and translate the `resources.customers.fields.first_name` key

Using Pluralization and Interpolation

Polyglot.js provides some nice features such as interpolation and pluralization, that you can use in react-admin.

const messages = {
    'hello_name': 'Hello, %{name}',
    'count_beer': 'One beer |||| %{smart_count} beers',

// interpolation
translate('hello_name', { name: 'John Doe' });
=> 'Hello, John Doe.'

// pluralization
translate('count_beer', { smart_count: 1 });
=> 'One beer'

translate('count_beer', { smart_count: 2 });
=> '2 beers'

// default value
translate('not_yet_translated', { _: 'Default translation' });
=> 'Default translation'

To find more detailed examples, please refer to