
React-admin is a frontend framework for building browser-based, data-driven applications on top of REST/GraphQL APIs using React. Maintained by marmelab, it is open source and battle-tested.


Check out examples of react-admin in action in the Demos section.


  • Declarative UI: Define your data views with simple React components.
  • Batteries Included: Default CRUD screens, filters, data grids, forms, and navigation.
  • Customizable: Swap out any part of the interface or data interaction.
  • Scalable: From simple dashboards to complex enterprise applications.
  • Data Providers: Easily integrate with REST, GraphQL, or custom APIs.
  • UI Agnostic: React-admin offers an integration with Material UI for a polished, consistent look, but you can use any UI library.


Install react-admin from npm or yarn:

npm install react-admin
# or
yarn add react-admin


Here’s a simple example:

import * as React from "react";
import { createRoot } from "react-dom/client";
import { Admin, Resource, ListGuesser, EditGuesser } from "react-admin";
import simpleRestProvider from "ra-data-simple-rest";

const root = createRoot(document.getElementById("root"));
  <Admin dataProvider={simpleRestProvider("http://localhost:3000")}>
    <Resource name="posts" list={ListGuesser} edit={EditHuesser} />

This sets up an admin panel for managing “posts”, with default CRUD routes:

  • /posts shows a list view.
  • /posts/:id allows editing an existing post.

React-admin will fetch data from http://localhost:3000/posts, and generate the UI based on the data structure. From there on, you can customize the UI and add more resources.

For more examples, check out the Tutorial.

Learning React-Admin

  1. Tutorial: A 30-minute intro.
  2. YouTube Tutorials: Short videos on key features.
  3. Documentation: In-depth guide to components and hooks.
  4. Demos: Explore real-life usage examples.
  5. API Reference: Complete list of available APIs.

API Integration

Does it work with your API? Yes.

React-admin uses a Data Provider approach to connect to API backends. There are more than 50 ready-made providers for REST, GraphQL, and more, and you can write your own custom provider if needed.

See the Data Providers Documentation for more details.

Data Provider architecture

Built for Flexibility

React-admin is modular. Replace any part you like: use a different data grid, integrate GraphQL instead of REST, or apply a custom theme. It’s flexible to adapt to your needs.

Learn more about Architecture Choices.

Enterprise Edition

React-admin Enterprise Edition offers additional premium features:

  • ra-ai: Components powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) to boost user productivity. Suggest completion for user inputs, fix and improve large chunks of text in React-Admin forms.
  • ra-audit-log: Track all changes made to your data, and display them in a dedicated view.
  • ra-calendar: Display and manipulate events, drag and resize appointments, and browse a calendar in react-admin apps.
  • ra-datagrid-ag: Integration with the ag-Grid data grid, for better performance and advanced features (row grouping, aggregation, tree data, pivoting, column resizing, and much more).
  • ra-editable-datagrid: Edit data directly in the list view, for better productivity. Excel-like editing experience.
  • ra-form-layout: New form layouts for complex data entry tasks (accordion, wizard, etc.)
  • ra-json-schema-form: Generate react-admin apps from a JSON Schema.
  • ra-markdown: Read Markdown data, and edit it using a WYSIWYG editor in your admin
  • ra-navigation: Alternative layouts and menus, breadcrumb, and hooks for applications with a deep navigation tree.
  • ra-rbac: Role-based access control for fine-grained permissions.
  • ra-realtime: Display live notifications, auto-update content on the screen, lock content when editing, with adapters for real-time backends.
  • ra-relationships: Visualize and edit complex relationships, including many-to-many relationships.
  • ra-search: Plug your search engine and let users search across all resources via a smart Omnibox.
  • ra-tour: Guided tours for react-admin applications. Step-by-step instructions, Material UI skin.
  • ra-tree: Edit and visualize tree structures. Reorganize by drag and drop. Adapts to any data structure on the backend (parent_id, children, nested sets, etc.).



We monitor react-admin’s carbon footprint using GreenFrame and strive to keep it minimal. React-admin apps are optimized for efficiency and sustainability.


React-admin is licensed under the MIT License, sponsored by marmelab.