Inspiring Talks + Awesome Networking = BlendWebMix 2018

Latest posts by Jonathan Petitcolas
Full-stack web developer at marmelab - Node.js, React, Angular, Symfony, Go, Arduino, Docker. Can fit a huge number of puns into a single sentence.
DotAI 2018: Machine Learning for Humans
I attended a few weeks ago my first conference about machine learning. As a developer with almost no experience in this field, I learned a lot without getting lost in the mathematical meanders associated with this topic. Here is my feedback.

"Confessions of a Public Speaker", a Fun and Inspiring Guide for Giving Better Talks!
As a seasoned speaker, I decided to go one step further by reading feedbacks from professionals. Scott Berkun is one of them, and his book brought me to very precious and practical insights about how to thrill the crowds. Here is a book review of this must-read book.

Using NVIDIA GPU within Docker Containers
Diving into machine learning requires some computation power, mainly brought by GPUs. Let's start our machine learning journey by configuring Docker to use NVIDIA GPU.

Convert An Image Into An ASCII Art Masterpiece With Pure JavaScript
This tutorial leverages the FileReader and Canvas APIs to demonstrate the browser image manipulation capabilities

EventDrops, The Time Series Data Visualization, Gets a Major Performance Boost
After several months of hard work, we are pleased to release a new version (1.0) of EventDrops, the d3.js dataviz for time series. On the menu: blazing fast performances, simplified configuration, and healthier foundations for easier maintenance!

Learning Jest Through Practice
Jest is a Javascript testing framework highlighting three main features: no configuration, improved performance, and easy mocking. Are they marketing promises, or reality? Let's verify it by testing Jest on a basic React project.

Internationalizing a React Application using Polyglot
Following an Internationalization tutorial is generally quite straightforward. But what about implementing it in a real-world application? Here is a tested solution using context and provider.

Conditional Babel Configuration: Introducing Babel env
After being stuck for a few hours because of some Babel configuration issues in an isomorphic app, we finally discovered the Babel `env` property. It allows to apply some sort of conditional configuration, depending on a given environment variable.

Taking Picture From Webcam Using Canvas
Taking a picture from a browser using the webcam is not trivial as it may seem. It requires a low supported API and some canvas manipulation. Here is the missing how-to.

Npm (or Yarn) Install within a Docker Container, the Right Way
Docker is awesome. Yet, it brings some common pitfalls, especially when you need to handle file permissions correctly, or need to use SSH. Here are some solutions to counter these issues.