
This component, part of the ra-rbac module, renders its child only if the user has the right permissions.


Wrap the components that you want to add access control to with the <IfCanAccess> component.

For example, to display action buttons for a company record only if the user has the right permissions:

import { IfCanAccess } from '@react-admin/ra-rbac';
import { Toolbar, DeleteButton, EditButton } from 'react-admin';

const CompanyRecordToolbar = () => (
        <IfCanAccess action="edit">
            <EditButton />
        <IfCanAccess action="delete">
            <DeleteButton />

With this code and the following user permissions:

console.log(await authProvider.getPermissions())
// [
//     { action: ["create", "edit"], resource: "companies" },
//     ...
// ];

The CompanyRecordToolbar component will render the <EditButton> but not the <DeleteButton>.


Prop Required Type Default Description
action Required string   The action to check, e.g. ‘read’, ‘list’, ‘export’, ‘delete’, etc.
resource Optional string   The resource to check, e.g. ‘users’, ‘comments’, ‘posts’, etc. Falls back to the current resource context if absent.
record Optional object   The record to check. If passed, the child only renders if the user has permissions for that record, e.g. { id: 123, firstName: "John", lastName: "Doe" }
fallback Optional ReactNode null The element to render when the user does not have the permission. Defaults to null.

Additional props are passed down to the child element.


The action prop allows you to restrict a component to users who have a permission to use the specified action on the current resource.

For instance, if the user has the following permissions:

console.log(await authProvider.getPermissions())
// [
//     { action: ["read", "create", "edit", "export"], resource: "companies" },
//     ...
// ];

To display the ExportButton in a CompanyList component, you would use:

<IfCanAccess action="export">
    <ExportButton />


By default, <IfCanAccess> uses the current resource (from the ResourceContext) to check permissions. You can override this behavior by passing the resource prop:

<IfCanAccess action="export" resource="companies">
    <ExportButton />


RBAC allows to specify record-level permissions. These permissions are triggered when you specify the record prop.

For example, let’s say a user has the permission to edit a company only if the company is in the same group as the user:

console.log(await authProvider.getPermissions())
// [
    // { action: 'edit', resource: "companies', record: { group: 'middle_east' } },
// ];

To display the EditButton in a CompanyShow component, you would use:

const EditCompanyButton = () => {
    const record = useRecordContext();
    return (
        <IfCanAccess action="edit" record={record}>
            <EditButton />


ra-rbac shows a Not Found page when users try to access a page they don’t have the permissions for. It is considered good security practice not to disclose to a potentially malicious user that a page exists if they are not allowed to see it.

However, should you prefer to show an ‘Access Denied’ screen in those cases, you can do so by specifying a fallback component in <IfCanAccess>:

// in src/posts/PostCreate.tsx
import { Create, SimpleForm, TextInput } from 'react-admin';
import { IfCanAccess } from '@react-admin/ra-rbac';
import { Navigate } from 'react-router-dom';

export const PostCreate = () => (
    <IfCanAccess action="create" fallback={<Navigate to="/access-denied" />}>
                <TextInput source="title" />

Tip: This example uses a Navigate component to redirect to a custom page because you cannot use a Redirect component in this context. The IfCanAccess component uses a render prop, and Redirect only works in the render method of a component.

Note that if you use the fallback prop for a CRUD page (Create, Edit, List, Show) as above, you must use the <Resource> component from react-admin rather than the one from ra-rbac. This is because ra-rbac already does the access control check, and would redirect to the Not Found page before the fallback component is rendered.

// In src/App.tsx
import { Admin, CustomRoutes, Resource } from 'react-admin';
import { Route } from 'react-router';

import { dataProvider } from './dataProvider';
import { authProvider } from './authProvider';
import posts from './posts';

const AccessDenied = () => (
    <Typography>You don't have the required permissions to access this page.</Typography>

export const App = () => (
    <Admin dataProvider={dataProvider} authProvider={authProvider}>    
            <Route path="access-denied" element={<AccessDenied />} />
        <Resource name="posts" {...posts} />