
If you add custom pages, you may need to secure access to pages manually. That’s the purpose of the useAuthenticated() hook, which calls the authProvider.checkAuth() method on mount, and redirects to the login if it returns a rejected Promise.

// in src/MyPage.js
import { useAuthenticated } from 'react-admin';

const MyPage = () => {
    useAuthenticated(); // redirects to login if not authenticated
    return (

export default MyPage;

useAuthenticated accepts an options object as its only argument, with the following properties:

  • enabled: whether it should check for an authenticated user (true by default)
  • params: the parameters to pass to checkAuth

If you call useAuthenticated() with a params option, those parameters are passed to the authProvider.checkAuth call. That allows you to add authentication logic depending on the context of the call:

const MyPage = () => {
    useAuthenticated({ params: { foo: 'bar' } }); // calls authProvider.checkAuth({ foo: 'bar' })
    return (

The useAuthenticated hook is optimistic: it doesn’t block rendering during the authProvider call. In the above example, the MyPage component renders even before getting the response from the authProvider. If the call returns a rejected promise, the hook redirects to the login page, but the user may have seen the content of the MyPage component for a brief moment.

If you want to render different content depending on the authenticated status, you can use the useAuthState hook instead.