
useEditController contains the headless logic of the <Edit> component. It’s useful to create a custom edition view. It’s also the base hook when building a custom view with another UI kit than Material UI.

useEditController reads the resource name and id from the resource context and browser location, fetches the record via dataProvider.getOne() to initialize the form, prepares a form submit handler based on dataProvider.update(), computes the default page title, and returns them. Its return value matches the EditContext shape.

useEditController is used internally by <Edit> and <EditBase>. If your Edit view uses react-admin components like <SimpleForm>, prefer <EditBase> to useEditController as it takes care of creating a <EditContext>.


Use useEditController to create a custom Edition view, with exactly the content you need.

import { useParams } from "react-router-dom";
import { useEditController, EditContextProvider, SimpleForm, TextInput, SelectInput } from "react-admin";
import { Card } from "@mui/material";

export const BookEdit = () => {
  const { id } = useParams();
  const { record, save, isPending } = useEditController({ resource: 'books', id });
  if (isPending) return null;
  return (
        <Title title="Book Edition" />
          <SimpleForm record={record} onSubmit={save}>
            <TextInput source="title" />
            <TextInput source="author" />
            <SelectInput source="availability" choices={[
              { id: "in_stock", name: "In stock" },
              { id: "out_of_stock", name: "Out of stock" },
              { id: "out_of_print", name: "Out of print" },
            ]} />

Tip: If you just use the return value of useEditController to put it in an EditContext, use the <EditBase> component instead for simpler markup.


useEditController accepts an object with the following keys, all optional:

  • disableAuthentication: Disable the authentication check
  • id: The id of the record to edit
  • mutationMode: Switch to optimistic or pessimistic mutations (undoable by default)
  • mutationOptions: Options for the dataProvider.update() call
  • queryOptions: Options for the dataProvider.getOne() call
  • redirect: Change the redirect location after successful creation
  • resource: Override the name of the resource to create
  • transform: Transform the form data before calling dataProvider.update()

These fields are documented in the <Edit> component documentation.

Return Value

useEditController returns an object with the following fields:

const {
    defaultTitle, // Translated title based on the resource, e.g. 'Post #123'
    error, // Error returned by dataProvider when it failed to fetch the record. Useful if you want to adapt the view instead of just showing a notification using the onError side effect.
    isFetching, // Boolean, true while the record is being fetched, false once done fetching
    isPending, // Boolean, true until the record is available for the first time
    mutationMode, // Mutation mode argument passed as parameter, or 'undoable' if not defined
    record, // Either the record fetched via dataProvider.getOne() based on the id from the location, a cached version of the record (see also the Caching documentation page) or undefined 
    redirect, // Default redirection route. Defaults to 'list'
    refetch, // Function that allows you to refetch the record 
    resource, // Resource name deduced from the location. e.g. 'posts'
    save, // Update callback to be passed to the underlying form as submit handler
    saving, // Boolean, true when dataProvider is called to update the record
} = useEditController();