Building An AI Assistant at the Edge

Cloudflare recently launched Workers AI that provides machine learning model inference at the edge. This article explains how we built a simple AI Assistant using Nuxt and Llama 3 8B on Workers AI.

Jonathan ARNAULTAnthony RimetRead More

Latest posts by Anthony Rimet

Full-stack web developer at marmelab, Anthony seeks to improve and learn every day. He likes basketball, motorsports and is a big Harry Potter fan

LIT: A Lightweight Library For Building Web Components

To explore the LIT framework, I built a framework-agnostic accordion component that I managed to reuse in React and Vue.

Anthony Rimet
Anthony RimetApril 18, 2024

Automate Your Workflow With Git Hooks

Git Hooks and Husky can be used to check the quality of your code, automate repetitive tasks or standardize commit messages.

Anthony Rimet
Anthony RimetFebruary 27, 2024

Write JavaScript Shell Scripts With Bun

JS developers can now write shell scripts with good performance with Bun Shell. This promising tool is still under development.

Anthony Rimet
Anthony RimetFebruary 05, 2024

Displaying Test Screenshots in GitHub Actions

Build a CI workflow (GitHub or GitLab) to turn the screenshots taken after an e2e test failure (Cypress, Playwright) into CI artifacts.

Anthony RimetThibault Barrat
Anthony Rimet & Thibault BarratNovember 20, 2023

Tech, Crêpes, et Éthique. Marmelab était à MiXiT !

La conférence lyonnaise sur la tech mais surtout sur ce qu'il y a autour.

Anthony RimetGuillaume BilleyArnaud Tilbian

Rive: Animate Web UIs with State Machines

Rive helps you create animations with state-machine

Anthony Rimet
Anthony RimetJanuary 30, 2023

Building a B2B app with Strapi and React-Admin

Combining a backend-as-a-service and a low-code tool lets you develop web apps super fast

Anthony Rimet
Anthony RimetNovember 28, 2022

Writing A React-Admin Data Provider For Offline-First Applications

Can we use react-admin with only client-side storage? Leveraging LocalForage, which uses InnoDB and is not limited in size, react-admin becomes the ideal tool for offline-first web applications.

Anthony Rimet
Anthony RimetOctober 26, 2022

Create a CRUD API In Minutes With PostgREST

PostgREST lets developers expose a REST API based on an existing database with almost no code. Let's discover how setup this tool!

Anthony Rimet
Anthony RimetOctober 05, 2022

Bull: Traitements asynchrones en Node.js

Retour sur la mise en place d'un système de workers en tâche de fond sur une application web pour le CNRS

Guillaume BilleyAnthony Rimet

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