
This hook allows to call dataProvider.update() when the callback is executed, and update a single record based on its id and a data argument.

// syntax
const [update, { data, isLoading, error }] = useUpdate(
    { id, data, previousData },

The update() method can be called with the same parameters as the hook:

    { id, data, previousData },

This means the parameters can be passed either when calling the hook, or when calling the callback. It’s up to you to pick the syntax that best suits your component. If you have the choice, we recommend passing the parameters when calling the update callback (second example below).

// set params when calling the hook
import { useUpdate, useRecordContext } from 'react-admin';

const IncreaseLikeButton = () => {
    const record = useRecordContext();
    const diff = { likes: record.likes + 1 };
    const [update, { isLoading, error }] = useUpdate(
        { id:, data: diff, previousData: record }
    const handleClick = () => {
    if (error) { return <p>ERROR</p>; }
    return <button disabled={isLoading} onClick={handleClick}>Like</button>;

// set params when calling the update callback
import { useUpdate, useRecordContext } from 'react-admin';

const IncreaseLikeButton = () => {
    const record = useRecordContext();
    const diff = { likes: record.likes + 1 };
    const [update, { isLoading, error }] = useUpdate();
    const handleClick = () => {
            { id:, data: diff, previousData: record }
    if (error) { return <p>ERROR</p>; }
    return <button disabled={isLoading} onClick={handleClick}>Like</button>;


The useUpdate hook accepts a generic parameter for the record type and another for the error type:

useUpdate<Product, Error>(undefined, undefined, {
    onError: (error) => {
        // TypeScript knows that error is of type Error
    onSettled: (data, error) => {
        // TypeScript knows that data is of type Product
        // TypeScript knows that error is of type Error