
When you need to render the number of records of a given resource, use the <Count> component. It calls dataProvider.getList() with the pagination parameter set to retrieve no data - only the total number of records.



The most basic usage is to count the number of records in the current resource. For example, to count the number of posts:

import { Count } from 'react-admin';

const PostCount = () =>  <Count />;

<Count> is usually used inside custom Menus, to display the number of records in each category. This takes advantage of the filter prop to count the number of records matching a given filter. For example, to build a menu for the various statuses of tickets in a Helpdesk:

import { Count, useStore } from 'react-admin';
import { MenuList, MenuItem, ListItemText } from '@mui/material';
import { isEqual } from 'lodash';

const TicketListAside = () => {
  const [statusFilter, setStatusFilter] = useStore("statusMenu", { status: 'open' });
  return (
            onClick={() => setStatusFilter({ status: 'open' })}
            selected={isEqual(statusFilter, { status: 'open' })}
            <Count filter={{ status: 'open' }} />
            onClick={() => setStatusFilter({ status: 'pending' })}
            selected={isEqual(statusFilter, { status: 'pending' })}
            <Count filter={{ status: 'pending' }} />
            onClick={() => setStatusFilter({ status: 'closed' })}
            selected={isEqual(statusFilter, { status: 'closed' })}
            <Count filter={{ status: 'closed' }} />
            onClick={() => setStatusFilter({})}
            selected={isEqual(statusFilter, {})}
            <Count filter={{}} />


Prop Required Type Default Description
filter Optional Object - Filter to apply to the query.
link Optional bool false If true, the count is wrapped in a <Link> to the list view.
resource Optional string - Resource to count. Default to the current ResourceContext
sort Optional { field: string, order: 'ASC' or 'DESC' } { field: 'id', order: 'DESC' } The sort option sent to getList
timeout Optional number 1000 Number of milliseconds to wait before displaying the loading indicator.

Additional props are passed to the underlying Material UI <Typography> element.


If you want to count the number of records matching a given filter, pass it as the filter prop. For example, to count the number of posts already published:

<Count resource="posts" filter={{ is_published: true }} />;

If you want to wrap the count in a <Link> to the list view, pass true to the link prop.

<Count link />

When used in conjunction to the filter prop, the link will point to the list view with the filter applied.

<Count link filter={{ is_published: true }} link />


By default, the <Count> component uses the current ResourceContext, so you don’t need to pass the resource prop to count the number of records in the current Resource.

<Count />

If you want to count a different resource, pass it as the resource prop.

<Count resource="comments" />


If you want to customize the sort options passed to getList (for instance because your table does not have an id column), you can pass a custom sort prop:

<Count resource="posts" sort={{ field: 'custom_id', order: 'ASC' }} />;


The <Count> component displays a loading indicator after 1 second. This is useful to avoid displaying a loading indicator when the count is retrieved in a few milliseconds. You can change this delay by passing a timeout prop.

<Count timeout={500} />

If you need to count the number of records related to the current one via a one-to-many relationship, use the <ReferenceManyCount> component instead.


import { 
} from 'react-admin';

export const PostList = () => (
            <TextField source="id" />
            <TextField source="title" />
            <DateField source="published_at" sortByOrder="DESC" />
            <NumberField source="views" sortByOrder="DESC" />
                    <ChipField source="name.en" size="small" />