
This hook allows to call dataProvider.updateMany() when the callback is executed, and update an array of records based on their ids and a data argument.

// syntax
const [updateMany, { data, isLoading, error }] = useUpdateMany(
    { ids, data },

The updateMany() method can be called with the same parameters as the hook:

    { ids, data },

So, should you pass the parameters when calling the hook, or when executing the callback? It’s up to you; but if you have the choice, we recommend passing the parameters when calling the updateMany callback (second example below).

// set params when calling the hook
import { useUpdateMany, useListContext } from 'react-admin';

const BulkResetViewsButton = () => {
    const { selectedIds } = useListContext();
    const [updateMany, { isLoading, error }] = useUpdateMany(
        { ids: selectedIds, data: { views: 0 } }
    const handleClick = () => {
    if (error) { return <p>ERROR</p>; }
    return <button disabled={isLoading} onClick={handleClick}>Reset views</button>;

// set params when calling the updateMany callback
import { useUpdateMany, useListContext } from 'react-admin';

const BulkResetViewsButton = () => {
    const { selectedIds } = useListContext();
    const [updateMany, { isLoading, error }] = useUpdateMany();
    const handleClick = () => {
            { ids: selectedIds, data: { views: 0 } }
    if (error) { return <p>ERROR</p>; }
    return <button disabled={isLoading} onClick={handleClick}>Reset views</button>;


The useUpdateMany hook accepts a generic parameter for the record type and another for the error type:

useUpdateMany<Product, Error>(undefined, undefined, {
    onError: (error) => {
        // TypeScript knows that error is of type Error
    onSettled: (data, error) => {
        // TypeScript knows that data is of type Product[]
        // TypeScript knows that error is of type Error