
The <SimpleShowLayout> pulls the record from the RecordContext. It renders the record fields in a single-column layout (via Material UI’s <Stack> component). <SimpleShowLayout> delegates the actual rendering of fields to its children. It wraps each field inside a <Labeled> component to add a label.


Use <SimpleShowLayout> as descendant of a <Show> component (or any component creating a <RecordContext>), and set the fields to be displayed as children:

const PostShow = () => (
            <TextField source="title" />
            <RichTextField source="body" />
            <NumberField source="nb_views" />


  • children: components rendering a record field
  • className: passed to the root component
  • divider: optional element to render between each field
  • record: can be injected when outside a RecordContext
  • spacing: optional integer to set the spacing between the fields
  • sx: Override the styles

Additional props are passed to the root component (<div>).


<SimpleShowLayout> renders each child inside a <Labeled> component. The above snippet roughly translates to:

const PostShow = () => (
            <Labeled label="Title">
                <TextField source="title" />
            <Labeled label="Body">
                <RichTextField source="body" />
            <Labeled label="Nb Views">
                <NumberField source="nb_views" />

The <Labeled label> uses the humanized source by default. You can customize it by passing a label prop to the fields:

const PostShow = () => (
            <TextField label="My Custom Title" source="title" />
            <TextField label="my.custom.translationKey" source="description" />

// translates to
const PostShow = () => (
            <Labeled label="My Custom Title">
                <TextField source="title" />
            <Labeled label="my.custom.translationKey">
                <TextField source="description" />

You can disable the <Labeled> decoration by passing setting label={false} on a field:

const PostShow = () => (
            <TextField label={false} source="title" />

// translates to
const PostShow = () => (
            <TextField source="title" />

<SimpleShowLayout> children can be anything you want. Try passing your own components:

const PostTitle = () => {
    const record = useRecordContext();
    return <span>Post "{record.title}"</span>;

const PostShow = () => (
            <PostTitle label="title" />


<SimpleShowLayout> renders a Material UI <Stack>. You can customize the spacing of each row by passing a spacing prop:

const PostShow = () => (
        <SimpleShowLayout spacing={2}>
            <PostTitle label="title" />

The default spacing is 1.


<Stack> accepts an optional divider prop - a component rendered between each row. <SimpleShowLayout> also accepts this props, and passes it to the <Stack> component.

import { Divider } from '@mui/material';

const PostShow = () => (
        <SimpleShowLayout divider={<Divider flexItem />}>
            <PostTitle label="title" />

More Than One Column

<SimpleShowLayout> arranges fields with labels in a single column. If you need more than one column, nothing prevents you from using this layout several times:

const BookShow = () => (
        <Grid container spacing={2}>
            <Grid item xs={6}>
                    <TextField source="id" />
                    <TextField source="title" />
            <Grid item xs={6}>
                    <TextField source="author" />
                    <TextField source="summary" />
                    <NumberField source="year" />

Controlled Mode

By default, <SimpleShowLayout> reads the record from the ResourceContext. But by passing a record prop, you can render the component outside a ResourceContext.

const StaticPostShow = () => (
    <SimpleShowLayout record={{ id: 123, title: 'Hello world' }}>
        <TextField source="title" />

When passed a record, <SimpleShowLayout> creates a RecordContext with the given record.


The <SimpleShowLayout> component accepts the usual className prop but you can override many class names injected to the inner components by React-admin thanks to the sx property (as most Material UI components, see their documentation about it). This property accepts the following subclasses:

Rule name Description
& .RaSimpleShowLayout-stack Applied to the <Stack> element
& .RaSimpleShowLayout-row Applied to each child of the stack (i.e. to each field)

To override the style of all instances of <SimpleShowLayout> using the Material UI style overrides, use the RaSimpleShowLayout key.

See Also