
You may have fields which are translated in multiple languages and want users to verify each translation. To display them, you can use the <TranslatableFields> component, which expects the translatable values to have the following structure:

    name: {
        en: 'The english value',
        fr: 'The french value',
        tlh: 'The klingon value',
    description: {
        en: 'The english value',
        fr: 'The french value',
        tlh: 'The klingon value',

This is how to use it:

<TranslatableFields locales={['en', 'fr']}>
    <TextField source="name" />
    <TextField source="description" />

React-admin uses the user locale as the default locale in this field. You can override this setting using the defaultLocale prop.

<TranslatableFields locales={['en', 'fr']} defaultLocale="fr">
    <TextField source="name" />
    <TextField source="description" />

By default, <TranslatableFields> will allow users to select the displayed locale using Material UI tabs with the locale code as their labels.

You may override the tabs labels using translation keys following this format: ra.locales.[locale_code]. For instance, ra.locales.en or ra.locales.fr.

You may override the language selector using the selector prop, which accepts a React element:

import { useTranslatableContext } from 'react-admin';

const Selector = () => {
    const {
    } = useTranslatableContext();

    const handleChange = event => {

    return (
            aria-label="Select the locale"
            {locales.map(locale => (
                    // This allows to correctly link the containers for each locale to their labels

    locales={['en', 'fr']}
    selector={<Selector />}
    <TextField source="name" />
    <TextField source="description" />

If you have multiple TranslatableFields on the same page, you should specify a groupKey so that react-admin can create unique identifiers for accessibility.

<TranslatableFields locales={['en', 'fr']} groupKey="essential-fields">
    <TextField source="name" />
    <TextField source="description" />

Using Translatable Fields In List or Show views

The TranslatableFields component is not meant to be used inside a List as you probably don’t want to have tabs inside multiple lines. The simple solution to display a translatable value would be to specify its source like this: name.en. However, you may want to display its translation for the current admin locale.

In this case, you’ll have to get the current locale through the useLocaleState hook and set the translatable field source dynamically.

import { List, Datagrid, TextField, ReferenceArrayField, SingleFieldList, ChipField, useLocaleState } from 'react-admin';

const PostList = () => {
    const [locale] = useLocaleState();

    return (
                <TextField source={`name.${locale}`} />
                    sort={{ field: `name.${locale}`, order: 'ASC' }}
                        <ChipField source={`name.${locale}`} size="small" />

Note that you can’t have an optimized Datagrid when doing so, as changing the locale wouldn’t trigger a render of its children.

The same pattern applies to show views when you don’t want to display all translations: get the locale from the useLocale hook and dynamically set the source prop of the translatable fields.