
This component calls the authProvider.canAccess() method on mount for a provided resource and action (and optionally a record). It will only display its children when users are authorized. By default, it will redirect users to /authentication-error if an error occurs.


The following form only displays the role field if the user has the permission to perform the edit action on the users.role resource:

import { CanAccess, Edit, SelectInput, SimpleForm, TextInput } from 'react-admin';

const UserEdit = () => (
            <TextInput source="lastName">
            <TextInput source="firstName">
            <CanAccess action="edit" resource="users.role">
                <SelectInput source="role" choices={['admin', 'user']}>

<CanAccess> will call the authProvider.canAccess() method with the following parameters: { action: "edit", resource: "users.role", record: {} } where record will be the currently edited record.


<CanAccess> expects the following props:

Name Required Type Default Description
action Required string - The action to check, e.g. ‘read’, ‘list’, ‘export’, ‘delete’, etc.
resource   string ResourceContext value The resource to check, e.g. ‘users’, ‘comments’, ‘posts’, etc.
record   object RecordContext value The record to check. If passed, the child only renders if the user has access to that record, e.g. { id: 123, firstName: "John", lastName: "Doe" }
loading   ReactNode - The element displayed while the canAccess call is pending
accessDenied   ReactNode - The element displayed when users are denied access to the resource
error   ReactNode - The element displayed when an error occurs while calling authProvider.canAccess

Securing Custom Routes

By default, there is no authentication or authorization control on custom routes. If you need to restrict access to a custom route, wrap the content with <CanAccess>. Remember to check the authentication status before with <Authenticated>:

import { Authenticated, CanAccess, AccessDenied } from 'react-admin';

export const LogsPage = () => (
        <CanAccess resource="logs" action="read" accessDenied={<AccessDenied />}>

Use the <CustomRoutes> component to add custom routes to your admin.

import { Admin, CustomRoutes, Authenticated, CanAccess, AccessDenied, Layout } from 'react-admin';
import { Route } from 'react-router-dom';

import { LogsPage } from './LogsPage';
import { MyMenu } from './MyMenu';

const MyLayout = (props) => <Layout {...props} menu={MyMenu} />;

const App = () => (
    <Admin authProvider={authProvider} layout={MyLayout}>
            <Route path="/logs" element={<LogsPage />} />

Remember to also wrap your custom menu items with <CanAccess> to hide the menu items if the user doesn’t have access to the resource.

import { Menu, CanAccess } from "react-admin";
import SsidChartIcon from "@mui/icons-material/SsidChart";

export const MyMenu = () => (
        <Menu.ResourceItems />
        <CanAccess resource="logs" action="read">
            <Menu.Item primaryText="Logs" to="/logs" leftIcon={<SsidChartIcon />} />

Note: You don’t need to use <CanAccess> on the core react-admin page components (<List>, <Create>, <Edit>, <Show>) because they already have built-in access control.

Note: You don’t need to use <Authenticated> on custom pages if your admin uses requireAuth.

Access Denied Message

By default, <CanAccess> renders nothing when the user doesn’t have access to the resource.

On custom pages, it’s preferable to show an error message instead. Set the accessDenied prop to render a custom component in case of access denial:

import { Authenticated, CanAccess, AccessDenied } from 'react-admin';

export const LogsPage = () => (
        <CanAccess resource="logs" action="read" accessDenied={<AccessDenied />}>

Access Denied