
This Enterprise Edition hook lets you define the app location for a page, used by components like <Breadcrumb> and <IconMenu> to render the current location.

In the following example, the <SongEditForArtist> component is a nested resource rendering at the /artists/:id/songs/:songId path. It uses useDefineAppLocation to define the app location as artists.edit.songs.edit, and passes the record and song objects as parameters to let the breadcrumb component render the record and song names.

import { useParams } from 'react-router-dom';
import { Edit, SimpleForm, TextInput, DateInput, useGetOne } from 'react-admin';
import { useDefineAppLocation } from '@react-admin/ra-navigation';

const SongEditForArtist = () => {
    const { id, songId } = useParams<{ id: string; songId: string }>();
    const { data: record } = useGetOne('artists', { id });
    const { data: song } = useGetOne('songs', { id: songId });
    useDefineAppLocation('artists.edit.songs.edit', { record, song });
    return (
        <Edit resource="songs" id={songId} redirect={`/artists/${id}/songs`}>
                <TextInput source="title" />
                <DateInput source="released" />
                <TextInput source="writer" />
                <TextInput source="producer" />
                <TextInput source="recordCompany" label="Label" />

Tip: The <Edit> component will call dataProvider.getOne("songs", { id: songId }) to fetch the song record. Since the <SongEditForArtist> component makes the same request, React-admin will deduplicate the calls and only make one request to the dataProvider.

Tip: If you don’t call useDefineAppLocation anywhere on a page, the AppLocationContext will deduce a resource app location from the current URL path (e.g. artists.edit for the /artists/:id path).

Here is how a custom Breadcrumb would use location values to render the record and song names:

const MyBreadcrumb = () => (
        <Breadcrumb.Item name="artists" label="Artists" to="/artists">
                label={({ record }: { record?: Artist }) => record?.name}
                to={({ record }: { record?: Artist }) =>
                    to={({ record }: { record?: Artist }) =>
                        label={({ song }: { song?: Song }) => song?.title}
                        to={({ song }: { song?: Song }) =>


This component requires that the application layout is wrapped with <AppLocationContext> (which is already the case for <ContainerLayout> and <SolarLayout>):

// in src/MyLayout.jsx
import { AppLocationContext, Breadcrumb } from '@react-admin/ra-navigation';
import { Layout } from 'react-admin';

import { MyBreadcrumb } from './MyBreadcrumb';

export const MyLayout = ({ children }) => (
            <MyBreadcrumb />

Then, a page component can define its app location by passing a string composed of location segments separated by a dot to the useDefineAppLocation hook:

// in src/UserPreferences.jsx
import { useDefineAppLocation } from '@react-admin/ra-navigation';

const UserPreferences = () => {
    return <span>My Preferences</span>;

Let’s say that this custom page is added to the app under the /preferences URL:

// in src/App.jsx
import { Admin, Resource, CustomRoutes, } from 'react-admin';
import { Route } from 'react-router-dom';

import { MyLayout } from './MyLayout';
import { UserPreferences } from './UserPreferences';

const App = () => (
    <Admin dataProvider={dataProvider} layout={MyLayout}>
            <Route exact path="/preferences" component={UserPreferences} />,

Components inside the app, like <Breadcrumb>, can read the current app location and define custom items for the 'user.preferences' location.

// in src/MyBreadcrumb.jsx
import { Breadcrumb } from '@react-admin/ra-navigation';

export const MyBreadcrumb = () => (
        <Breadcrumb.ResourceItems />
        <Breadcrumb.Item name="user" label="User">
            <Breadcrumb.Item name="preferences" label="Preferences" to="/preferences" />

App Location For CRUD Pages

You don’t need to define the app location for CRUD pages as react-admin does it by default:

  • List: [resource].list
  • Create: [resource].create
  • Edit: [resource].edit. The location also contains the current record
  • Show: [resource].show. The location also contains the current record

However, you can customize these default app locations in your CRUD pages. For instance, to create a Post List page with the app location set to posts.published, you can do the following:

import { List, Datagrid, TextField } from 'react-admin';
import { useDefineAppLocation } from '@react-admin/ra-navigation';

export const PublishedPostsList = () => {
    return (
        <List filter={{ isPublished: true }}>
                <TextField source="title" />

Dependent Components

The following components read the app location context: