
This Enterprise Edition component allows users to fill a form using an image or a camera. The image is sent to the AI backend together with the names of the fields to fill. The AI backend will extract the text from the image and fill the form.


Include that button inside a react-admin form to allow users to fill the form using an image or a camera.

import { Edit, SimpleForm, TextInput } from 'react-admin';
import { FormFillerButton } from '@react-admin/ra-ai';

export const ContactEdit = () => (
            <FormFillerButton />
            <TextInput source="firstName" />
            <TextInput source="lastName" />
            <TextInput source="company" />
            <TextInput source="email" />

You must define a dataProvider.generateContent() method to fetch the generated content from your API.


<FormFillerButton> accepts the following props:

Prop Required Type Default Description
acceptedFileTypes Optional string ‘image/*’ The accepted file types for the ‘image’ filler.
allowOverride Optional boolean false Allow the button to override the filled values.
fields Optional Object   The description of the fields to fill. This helps the AI to understand the context of the form.
maxDimension Optional number 1000 The maximum width and height of the image. The image will be resized to fit this dimension.
meta Optional object - Additional parameters to pass to the completion API.
sources Optional string[] ['image', 'camera'] The sources to use. Can be ‘image’ and/or ‘camera’.
ButtonGroupProps Optional object - Props to pass to the ButtonGroup component.
DialogProps Optional object - Props to pass to the Dialog component.


The accepted file types for the ‘image’ filler. Defaults to ‘image/*’.

<FormFillerButton acceptedFileTypes="image/jpeg" />


Allow the button to override the filled values. Defaults to false.

<FormFillerButton allowOverride />


The description of the fields to fill. This helps the AI to understand the context of the form.

        company: 'The company name. Example: Acme Inc.',
        email: 'User email. If more than one email is present, find the one @acme.com',


The maximum width and height of the image. The image will be resized to fit this dimension. Defaults to 1000.

Larger dimensions improve the OCR quality but increase the processing time.

<FormFillerButton maxDimension={1500} />


Lets you pass additional parameters to the generateContent() query.

For instance, the OpenAI implementation uses the meta parameter as a way to adjust the completion settings:

        top_p: 1,
        frequency_penalty: 0,
        presence_penalty: 0,


The sources to use. The value must be an array. Possible values are ‘image’ and ‘camera’. Defaults to ['image', 'camera'].

If you set only one source, the button will be a simple button instead of a split button.

<FormFillerButton sources={['image']} />

If you set more than one source, the first item will be the default source.

<FormFillerButton sources={['camera', 'image']} />


Props to pass to the ButtonGroup component.

<FormFillerButton ButtonGroupProps={{ variant: 'contained' }} />


Props to pass to the Dialog component.

<FormFillerButton DialogProps={{ maxWidth: 'md' }} />


In order to use the AI-powered components, your Data Provider must expose a generateContent() method to generate the form values for a prompt.

  • input format: { prompt, systemPrompt, attachments, stop, temperature, maxSize, meta } (only the prompt property is required)
  • output: Promise({ data: content })
    .generateContent({ prompt: 'Lorem ipsum' })
    .then(response => console.log(response.data));
// ' dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.'

It’s your responsibility to implement the dataProvider.generateContent() method. You can rely on an API to fetch the generated content, or use a local completion model.

If you rely on the OpenAI Completion API, you can use the addAIMethodsBasedOnOpenAIAPI() helper:

// in src/dataProvider.js
import jsonServerProvider from 'ra-data-json-server';
import { addAIMethodsBasedOnOpenAIAPI } from '@react-admin/ra-ai';

const baseDataProvider = jsonServerProvider(
export const dataProvider = addAIMethodsBasedOnOpenAIAPI(baseDataProvider);

addAIMethodsBasedOnOpenAIAPI expects the OpenAI API key to be stored in the localStorage under the key ra-ai.openai-api-key. It’s up to you to store the key in the localStorage (e.g. in authProvider.login()) and to remove it (e.g. in authProvider.logout()).

Tip: A more secure way of using the OpenAI API is to add a proxy route in your API backend to the OpenAI API. That way, generateContent will use the same credentials as the other data provider methods, and your OpenAI API key will never transit in the browser.

If you rely on another API, you’ll need to fetch it yourself.