
Set the page title (the text displayed in the app bar) from within a react-admin component.



Use <Title> from anywhere in the page to set the page title.

import { Title } from 'react-admin';

const CustomPage = () => (
        <Title title="My Custom Page" />

<Title> uses a React Portal to render the title outside of the current component. It works because the default <AppBar> component contains a placeholder for the title called <TitlePortal>.

CRUD page components (<List>, <Edit>, <Create>, <Show>) already use a <Title> component. To set the page title for these components, use the title prop.

import { List } from 'react-admin';

const PostList = () => (
    <List title="All posts">


Prop Required Type Default Description
title Optional string|ReactElement - What to display in the central part of the app bar
defaultTitle Optional string '' What to display in the central part of the app bar when title is not set
preferenceKey Optional string ${pathname}.title The key to use in the user preferences to store a custom title


The title prop can be a string or a React element.

If it’s a string, it will be passed to the translate function, so you can use a title or a message id.

import { Title } from 'react-admin';

const CustomPage = () => (
        <Title title="my.custom.page.title" />

If it’s a React element, it will be rendered as is. If the element contains some text, it’s your responsibliity to translate it.

import { Title } from 'react-admin';
import ArticleIcon from '@mui/icons-material/Article';

const ArticlePage = () => (
        <Title title={
                <ArticleIcon />
                My Custom Page
        } />
        <div>My Custom Content</div>


It often happens that the title is empty while the component fetches the data to display. To avoid a flicker, you can pass a default title to the <Title> component.

import { Title, useGetOne } from 'react-admin';
import ArticleIcon from '@mui/icons-material/Article';

const ArticlePage = ({ id }) => {
    const { data, loading } = useGetOne('articles', { id });
    return (
                title={data && <><ArticleIcon />{data.title}</>} 
                defaultTitle={<ArticleIcon />}
            {!loading && <div>{data.body}</div>}


In Configurable mode, users can customize the page title via the inspector. To avoid conflicts, the <Title> component uses a preference key based on the current pathname. For example, the <Title> component in the posts list page will use the posts.title preference key.

If you want to use a custom preference key, pass it to the <Title> component.

import { Title } from 'react-admin';

const CustomPage = () => (
        <Title title="My Custom Page" preferenceKey="my.custom.page.title" />

If you want to disable configuring the page title even while in Configurable mode, you can pass preferenceKey=false.

import { Title } from 'react-admin';

const CustomPageWithNonConfigurableTitle = () => (
        <Title title="My Custom Page" preferenceKey={false} />