
Use create-react-admin to quickly bootstrap a react-admin project using Vite. It’s the preferred way to create a new react-admin application.


npx create-react-admin@latest your-admin-name

This will create an empty react-admin application in a directory called your-admin-name, powered by Vite.js, and install the dependencies.

You can run the app with:

cd your-admin-name
npm run dev

Tip: You can replace npx with npm, yarn, or bun.


The command accepts the following options:

  • --interactive: Enable the CLI interactive mode
  • --data-provider: Set the data provider to use (“data-fakerest”, “data-simple-rest”, “data-json-server”, “supabase” or “none”)
  • --auth-provider: Set the auth provider to use (“local-auth-provider” or “none”)
  • --resource: Add a resource that will be initialized with guessers (can be used multiple times). Set to “skip” to bypass the interactive resource step.
  • --install: Set the package manager to use for installing dependencies (“yarn”, “npm”, “bun” or “skip” to bypass the interactive install step)


When using this option, the terminal will ask you to choose:


create-react-admin currently supports five presets for the application’s data provider:

  • fakerest: A client-side data provider that use a JSON object for data, powered by FakeRest.
  • json-server: A data provider based on the JSON Server API
  • simple-rest: A data provider for simple REST APIs
  • supabase: A data provider for Supabase. The auth-provider and resources steps will be skipped.
  • none (default): To configure the data provider yourself

You can set your data provider directly with the --data-provider option:

npx create-react-admin@latest your-admin-name --data-provider json-server


create-react-admin currently supports two presets to set the application’s auth provider which are:

  • local-auth-provider: Hard coded username/password.
  • none (default): No authProvider.

You can set your auth provider directly with the --auth-provider option:

npx create-react-admin@latest your-admin-name --auth-provider local-auth-provider


create-react-admin creates an empty app by default. You can initialize CRUD pages for some resources with the --resource option:

npx create-react-admin@latest your-admin-name --resource posts --resource comments

Warning: the --resource flag is incompatible with a --data-provider supabase due to a specific <AdminGuesser> component from ra-supabase.


create-react-admin can install dependencies using any of the following package managers:

  • npm (default)
  • yarn
  • bun
  • pnpm
  • none (if you want to install dependencies yourself)

You choose an alternative package manager with the --install option:

npx create-react-admin@latest your-admin-name --install bun