
This Enterprise Edition component offers a way to open a <Create> view inside a dialog, hence allowing to create a new record without leaving the current view.

It can be useful in case you want the ability to create a record linked by a reference to the currently edited record, or if you have a nested <Datagrid> inside a <Show> or an <Edit> view.

Note that this component doesn’t use routing, so it doesn’t change the URL. It’s therefore not possible to bookmark the creation dialog, or to link to it from another page. If you need that functionality, use <CreateDialog> instead.


First, install the @react-admin/ra-form-layout package:

npm install --save @react-admin/ra-form-layout
# or
yarn add @react-admin/ra-form-layout

Tip: ra-form-layout is hosted in a private npm registry. You need to subscribe to one of the Enterprise Edition plans to access this package.

Then, put <CreateInDialogButton> wherever you would put a <CreateButton>, and use the same children as you would for a <Create> component (e.g. a <SimpleForm>):

import {
} from "react-admin";
import { CreateInDialogButton } from "@react-admin/ra-form-layout";

const CompanyShow = () => (
            <TextField source="name" />
            <TextField source="address" />
            <TextField source="city" />
            <ReferenceManyField target="company_id" reference="employees">
                <WithRecord render={record => (
                    <CreateInDialogButton record={{ company_id: record.id }}>
                            <TextInput source="first_name" />
                            <TextInput source="last_name" />
                )} />
                    <TextField source="first_name" />
                    <TextField source="last_name" />

In the above example, <CreateInDialogButton> is used to create a new employee for the current company. The <WithRecord> component helps to set the new employee company id by default.


<CreateInDialogButton> accepts the following props:

Prop Required Type Default Description
ButtonProps Optional object   Object containing props to pass to Material UI’s <Button>
children Required ReactNode   The content of the dialog
fullWidth Optional boolean false If true, the dialog stretches to the full width of the screen
icon Optional ReactElement   Allows to override the default icon
inline Optional boolean   Set to true to display only a Material UI <IconButton> instead of the full <Button>
label Optional string   Allows to override the default button label. I18N is supported
maxWidth Optional string sm The max width of the dialog
mutation Options Optional object   The options to pass to the useMutation hook
resource Optional string   The resource name, e.g. posts
sx Optional object   Override the styles applied to the dialog component
title Optional ReactNode   The title of the dialog


The ButtonProps prop allows you to pass props to the MUI <Button> component. For instance, to change the color and size of the button:

const CreateButton = () => (
  <CreateInDialogButton ButtonProps={{ color: 'primary', fullWidth: true }}>


<CreateInDialogButton> doesn’t render any field by default - it delegates this to its children, usually a Form component.

React-admin provides several built-in form layout components:

  • SimpleForm for a single-column layout
  • TabbedForm for a tabbed layout
  • AccordionForm for long forms with collapsible sections
  • LongForm for long forms with a navigation sidebar
  • WizardForm for multi-step forms
  • and Form, a headless component to use as a base for your custom layouts

To use an alternative form layout, switch the <CreateInDialogButton> child component:

const CreateButton = () => (
    <CreateInDialogButton fullWidth maxWidth="md">
-       <SimpleForm>
+       <TabbedForm>
+           <TabbedForm.Tab label="Identity">
                <TextInput source="first_name" fullWidth />
                <TextInput source="last_name" fullWidth />
+           </TabbedForm.Tab>
+           <TabbedForm.Tab label="Informations">
                <DateInput source="dob" label="born" fullWidth />
                <SelectInput source="sex" choices={sexChoices} fullWidth />
+           </TabbedForm.Tab>
-       </SimpleForm>
+       </TabbedForm>


By default, <CreateInDialogButton> renders a Material UI <Dialog> component that takes the width of its content.

You can make the dialog full width by setting the fullWidth prop to true:

const CreateButton = () => (
  <CreateInDialogButton fullWidth>

In addition, you can set a dialog maximum width by using the maxWidth enumerable in combination with the fullWidth boolean. When the fullWidth prop is true, the dialog will adapt based on the maxWidth value.

const CreateButton = () => (
  <CreateInDialogButton fullWidth maxWidth="sm">


The icon prop allows you to pass an icon to the button. It can be a MUI icon component, or a custom icon component.

import { Create } from '@mui/icons-material';

const CreateButton = () => (
  <CreateInDialogButton icon={<Create />}>


By default, <CreateInDialogButton> renders a <Button> component. If you want to display only an <IconButton>, set the inline prop to true:

const CreateButton = () => (
  <CreateInDialogButton inline>


The label prop allows you to pass a custom label to the button, instead of the default (“Create”). It can be a string, or a React element.

const CreateButton = () => (
  <CreateInDialogButton label="Edit details">


The maxWidth prop allows you to set the max width of the dialog. It can be one of the following values: xs, sm, md, lg, xl, false. The default is sm.

For example, you can use that prop to make the dialog full width:

const CreateButton = () => (
  <CreateInDialogButton fullWidth maxWidth={false}>


The mutationOptions prop allows you to pass options to the useMutation hook.

This can be useful e.g. to pass a custom meta to the dataProvider.create() call.

const CreateButton = () => (
  <CreateInDialogButton mutationOptions={{ meta: { fetch: 'author' } }}>


The resource prop allows you to pass the resource name to the <CreateInDialogButton> component. If not provided, it will be deduced from the resource context.

This is useful to link to a related record. For instance, the following button lets you create the author of a book:

const CreateAuthorButton = () => {
  return (
    <CreateInDialogButton resource="authors">


Customize the styles applied to the Material UI <Dialog> component:

const CreateButton = () => (
  <CreateInDialogButton sx={{ backgroundColor: 'paper' }}>


Unlike the <Create> components, with Dialog components the title will be displayed in the <Dialog>, not in the <AppBar>. Here is an example:

const CreateButton = () => (
  <CreateInDialogButton title="Create a new customer">

You can also hide the title by passing null:

<CreateInDialogButton title={null}>

Warn When Unsaved Changes

If you’d like to trigger a warning when the user tries to close the dialog with unsaved changes, using the warnWhenUnsavedChanges prop directly on the form won’t work, because this feature relies on the router’s location, but both components do not use routing.

Instead, you can use the <WarnWhenUnsavedChangesInDialog> component provided by ra-form-layout.

You can add this component to your form like so:

import { TextInput, SimpleForm } from 'react-admin';
import { CreateInDialogButton, WarnWhenUnsavedChangesInDialog } from '@react-admin/ra-form-layout';

const EmployerEditButton = () => (
            <TextInput source="name" />
            <TextInput source="address" />
            <TextInput source="city" />
            <WarnWhenUnsavedChangesInDialog />

Combining With <EditInDialogButton>

Below is an example of an <Edit> view, inside which is a nested <Datagrid>, offering the ability to create, edit and show the rows thanks to <CreateInDialogButton>, <EditInDialogButton> and <ShowInDialogButton>:

import React from "react";
import {
} from "react-admin";
import {
} from "@react-admin/ra-form-layout";

const sexChoices = [
  { id: "male", name: "Male" },
  { id: "female", name: "Female" },

const CustomerForm = () => (
  <SimpleForm defaultValues={{ firstname: "John", name: "Doe" }}>
    <TextInput source="first_name" validate={required()} fullWidth />
    <TextInput source="last_name" validate={required()} fullWidth />
    <DateInput source="dob" label="born" validate={required()} fullWidth />
    <SelectInput source="sex" choices={sexChoices} fullWidth />

const CustomerLayout = () => (
    <TextField source="first_name" fullWidth />
    <TextField source="last_name" fullWidth />
    <DateField source="dob" label="born" fullWidth />
    <SelectField source="sex" choices={sexChoices} fullWidth />

// helper component to add actions buttons in a column (children),
// and also in the header (label) of a Datagrid
const DatagridActionsColumn = ({ label, children }) => <>{children}</>;

const NestedCustomersDatagrid = () => {
  const record = useRecordContext();

  const createButton = (
      record={{ employer_id: record?.id }} // pre-populates the employer_id to link the new customer to the current employer
      <CustomerForm />

  const editButton = (
    <EditInDialogButton fullWidth maxWidth="md">
      <CustomerForm />

  const showButton = (
    <ShowInDialogButton fullWidth maxWidth="md">
      <CustomerLayout />

  return (
        <TextField source="id" />
        <TextField source="first_name" />
        <TextField source="last_name" />
        <DateField source="dob" label="born" />
        <SelectField source="sex" choices={sexChoices} />
        {/* Using a component as label is a trick to render it in the Datagrid header */}
        <DatagridActionsColumn label={createButton}>

const EmployerEdit = () => (
      <TextInput source="name" validate={required()} />
      <TextInput source="address" validate={required()} />
      <TextInput source="city" validate={required()} />
      <NestedCustomersDatagrid />