
This Enterprise EditionReact Admin Enterprise Edition icon component offers a replacement for the <List> component when the records form tree structures like directories, categories, etc. <TreeWithDetails> renders a tree structure and the show view/edition form in the same page.

This component allows users to browse, edit, and rearrange trees.


// in src/category.js
import {
} from 'react-admin';
import {
} from '@react-admin/ra-tree';

// a Create view for a tree uses <CreateNode> instead of the standard <Create>
const CategoriesCreate = () => (
            <TextInput source="name" />

// an Edit view for a tree uses <EditNode> instead of the standard <Edit>
const CategoriesEdit = () => (
        <SimpleForm toolbar={<EditNodeToolbar />}>
            <TextInput source="title" />

// a List view for a tree uses <TreeWithDetails>
export const CategoriesList = () => (
    <TreeWithDetails create={CategoriesCreate} edit={CategoriesEdit} />

// in src/App.js
import { CategoriesList } from './category';

const App = () => (
    <Admin dataProvider={dataProvider}>
        <Resource list={CategoriesList} />

Check the ra-tree documentation for more details.


Prop Required Type Default Description
addRootButton Optional ReactNode or false - The create button to add a root node
allowMultipleRoots Optional boolean false To allow trees with multiple roots
create Optional ReactNode - The create form of your resource
draggable Optional boolean false To allow user to reorder nodes
edit Optional ReactNode - The edit form of your resource
filter Optional object - The permanent filter values
hideRootNodes Optional boolean false To hide all root nodes
lazy Optional boolean false To load children only when they are expanded
motion Optional boolean false To enable rc-tree’s <Tree> transitions
mutationMode Optional string undoable The mutationMode (undoable, optimistic or pessimistic) to use for drag & drop operations
nodeActions Optional ReactNode - To customize the default dropdown action
show Optional ReactNode - The show view of your resource
showLine Optional boolean false Shows a connecting line
sx Optional SxProps - Material UI shortcut for defining custom styles
title Optional string - The title to display in the <AppBar>
titleField Optional string title Set the record field to display in the tree

<TreeWithDetails> also accepts the <Tree> props.

create / edit / show

If you want to give users access to the create, edit and/or show view. You can create and add them to your <TreeWithDetails>

import {
} from 'react-admin';
import {
} from '@react-admin/ra-tree';

const NodeShowAction = () => (
        <EditButton />
        <AddChildButton />

const CategoriesShow = () => (
    <ShowNode actions={<NodeShowAction />}>
            <Labeled label="Id">
                <TextField source="id" />
            <Labeled label="Title">
                <TextField source="title" />

const CategoriesEdit = () => (
        <SimpleForm toolbar={<EditNodeToolbar />}>
            <TextField source="id" label="id" />
            <TextInput source="title" />

const CategoriesCreate = () => (
            <TextInput source="title" />

export const CategoriesList = () => (

IMPORTANT: Note that in the Edition view, the <SimpleForm> must use the <EditNodeToolbar>. This toolbar replaces react-admin’s default <DeleteButton> with a ra-tree version that deletes a branch instead of a record.

This also means that if you need to customize the Toolbar and includes a Delete Button, you must import the aternative button from @react-admin/ra-tree:

import { Toolbar, ToolbarProps } from 'react-admin';
import { DeleteBranchButton } from '@react-admin/ra-tree';

import MyCustomButton from './MyCustomButton';

export const MyToolbar = (props: ToolbarProps) => (
        <MyCustomButton />
        <DeleteBranchButton />

Tip: CreateNode and EditNode components accept a mutationOptions prop. So you can override the mutationOptions of the main mutation query.

const CategoriesCreate = () => (
            onSuccess: () => {
            onError: () => {
            meta: { foo: 'bar' }, // The 'meta' object will be passed to the dataProvider methods
            <TextInput source="name" />


By default, this package allows only one root per tree. You can allow trees with multiple roots by setting the allowMultipleRoots prop:

export const CategoriesList = (props: ListProps) => (


When allowMultipleRoots is set to true or there are no root nodes in the tree, a button is displayed to allow the user to add root nodes. You can pass your own button component using addRootButton prop:

// in src/posts.js
import { CreateButton } from 'react-admin';

export const CategoriesList = () => (
    <TreeWithDetails allowMultipleRoots addRootButton={<CreateButton label="Add Categories!" />}>

Tip: You can hide the add root button completely by passing false to addRootButton prop


If you want to allow user to reorder nodes in the tree, simply add the draggable prop to the <TreeWithDetails> component:

export const CategoriesList = () => <TreeWithDetails draggable />;

Note: if you use undoable (the default) or pessimistic mutation mode, note that nodes data might be out of date after a drag & drop operation until the mutation is settled (when it has called your dataProvider). This is because although React-Admin can optimistically re-order the nodes, it cannot apply the required changes on your nodes data that depends on your implementation.


You can choose to permanently filter the tree to display only a sub tree.

For instance, imagine you have one employees resource with a department field, and you want to display a tree for the Finance department. Use the filter prop to filter the tree:

const EmployeeList = () => <TreeWithDetails filter={{ department: 'finance' }} />;

Note: This only works if the filter field allows to extract a subtree with its own root node. If you use the filter prop to display a sparse selection of nodes (e.g. only the male employees), dragging nodes in this tree will not work as expected.


Sometimes, a tree only has one root node for technical reasons and users should probably not see it at all. Use the hideRootNodes prop to hide all root nodes.

export const CategoriesList = () => <TreeWithDetails hideRootNodes />;


If you have a tree with a lot of nodes, you may want to only load the root nodes at first and their children when they are expanded. To enable this mode, set the lazy prop to true.

Important: When using the lazy mode, you cannot use the ‘undoable’ mutation mode. Hence, you need to set the mutationMode prop to 'pessimistic' or 'optimistic' on <EditNode>.

import React from 'react';
import { Admin, Resource, SimpleForm, TextField, TextInput } from 'react-admin';

import { EditNode, EditNodeToolbar, TreeWithDetails } from '@react-admin/ra-tree';
import CategoriesCreate from '../CategoriesCreate';
import i18nProvider from '../i18nProvider';
import dataProvider from './dataProvider';

const CategoriesEdit = () => (
    <EditNode mutationMode="pessimistic">
        <SimpleForm toolbar={<EditNodeToolbar />}>
            <TextField source="id" />
            <TextInput source="name" />

const CategoriesList = () => (

export const App = () => (
    <Admin dataProvider={dataProvider} i18nProvider={i18nProvider}>
        <Resource name="categories" list={CategoriesList} />


The mutationMode (undoable, optimistic or pessimistic) to use for drag & drop operations:

<TreeWithDetails mutationMode="pessimistic" />

Note: if you use undoable (the default) or pessimistic mode, note that nodes data might be out of date after a drag & drop operation until the mutation is settled (when it has called your dataProvider). This is because although React-Admin can optimistically re-order the nodes, it cannot apply the required changes on your nodes data that depends on your implementation.


rc-tree’s <Tree> allows to customize the transition effect used when expanding or collapsing a node. However, by default, these transition effects are disabled in react-admin, because they are known to cause issues with the expand on click feature.

If you want to enable them, you can pass the motion prop to the <TreeWithDetails> component:

export const CategoriesList = () => <TreeWithDetails motion />;

The motion prop also accepts a transition object, allowing you to customize the transition effect:

import { TreeWithDetails } from '@react-admin/ra-tree';
import { CSSProperties } from 'react';

const myMotion = {
    motionName: 'node-motion',
    motionAppear: false,
    onAppearStart: (): CSSProperties => ({ height: 0, width: 0 }),
    onAppearActive: (node: HTMLElement): CSSProperties => ({
        height: node.scrollHeight,
        width: node.scrollWidth,
    onLeaveStart: (node: HTMLElement): CSSProperties => ({
        height: node.offsetHeight,
        width: node.scrollWidth,
    onLeaveActive: (): CSSProperties => ({ height: 0, width: 0 }),

export const CategoriesList = () => (
            '& .node-motion': {
                transition: 'all .7s',
                overflowX: 'hidden',
                overflowY: 'hidden',


By default, every node has an action dropdown menu displayed after its name when hovered.

While this menu only has a delete action by default, it’s possible to customize it.

import {
} from '@react-admin/ra-tree';

const MyCustomActionMenuItem = forwardRef(
    ({ record, resource, parentId }, ref) => {
        const handleClick = () => {
            // Do something with dataProvider ?
        return (
            <MenuItem ref={ref} onClick={handleClick}>
                Do something

const MyActions = (props: NodeActionsProps) => (
    <NodeActions {...props}>
        <MyCustomActionMenuItem />
        <DeleteMenuItem />

const CategoriesList = () => (
        nodeActions={<MyActions />}

The menu item will receive the current record and the resource.


By default ra-tree applies the react-admin’s style. Setting showLine to true will keep the native icons as follows:

showLine Tree


The default title for a tree view is “[resource] list” (e.g. “Posts list”). Use the title prop to customize the Tree view title:

// in src/posts.js
export const CategoriesList = () => (
    <TreeWithDetails title="List of categories">...</TreeWithDetails>

The title can be either a string or an element of your own.


Use the titleField prop to specify the name of the field holding the node title:

// in src/posts.js
export const CategoriesList = () => (
    <TreeWithDetails titleField="name">...</TreeWithDetails>

Selecting a Node

If you need to let users select a node in a tree, use the <TreeInput> component.

import { Edit, SimpleForm, TextInput } from 'react-admin';
import { TreeInput } from '@react-admin/ra-tree';

export const ProductEdit = () => (
            <TextInput source="id" disabled />
            <TextInput source="name" />
            <TreeInput source="category" data={[
                { id: 1, title: 'Clothing', isRoot: true, children: [2, 6] },
                { id: 2, title: 'Men', children: [3] },
                { id: 3, title: 'Suits', children: [4, 5] },
                { id: 4, title: 'Slacks', children: [] },
                { id: 5, title: 'Jackets', children: [] },
                { id: 6, title: 'Women', children: [7, 10, 11] },
                { id: 7, title: 'Dresses', children: [8, 9] },
                { id: 8, title: 'Evening Gowns', children: [] },
                { id: 9, title: 'Sun Dresses', children: [] },
                { id: 10, title: 'Skirts', children: [] },
                { id: 11, title: 'Blouses', children: [] },
            ]} />

Insert as first child

By default, when users add a new child to a node, the child is inserted as the last child of the parent node. You can force new children to be added as first child instead, by setting the insertAsFirstChild prop in the <AddChildButton>, as follows:

// in src/posts.js
import { TopToolbar } from 'react-admin';
import {
} from '@react-admin/ra-tree';

const NodeEditActions = () => (
        <AddChildButton label="Add child at top" insertAsFirstChild />

const CategoriesEdit = () => (
    <EditNode actions={<NodeEditActions />}>...</EditNode>

export const CategoriesList = () => (
    <TreeWithDetails edit={CategoriesEdit}>...</TreeWithDetails>

Note: dataProvider.addChildNode() must support the position param for this feature to work. See the dataProvider section for details.