
This Enterprise EditionReact Admin Enterprise Edition icon component is a wrapper for rc-tree’s <Tree>, with Material Design style. It expects a data prop containing a tree of nodes as returned by the dataProvider tree methods.

import { Tree } from '@react-admin/ra-tree';

// tree data format
const data = [
    { id: 1, name: 'Clothing', children: [2, 6] },
    { id: 2, name: 'Men', children: [3] },
    { id: 3, name: 'Suits', children: [4, 5] },
    { id: 4, name: 'Slacks', children: [] },
    { id: 5, name: 'Jackets', children: [] },
    { id: 6, name: 'Women', children: [7, 10, 11] },
    { id: 7, name: 'Dresses', children: [8, 9] },
    { id: 8, name: 'Evening Gowns', children: [] },
    { id: 9, name: 'Sun Dresses', children: [] },
    { id: 10, name: 'Skirts', children: [] },
    { id: 11, name: 'Blouses', children: [] },

// example usage
export const SimpleTree = () => <Tree data={data} titleField="name" />;


The <Tree> component accepts the rc-tree’s <Tree> props but a few of them differ from the original.

Prop Required Type Default Description
data Required TreeRecord[] - The tree data to display in the format returned by the dataProvider.
className Optional string - The CSS class name to apply on the Root component.
defaultExpandedKeys Optional Identifier[] - An array of identifiers defining the records that should be expanded by default.
defaultSelectedKeys Optional Identifier[] - An array of identifiers defining the records that should be selected by default.
expandedKeys Optional Identifier[] - An array of identifiers defining the records that should be expanded (controlled mode).
hideRootNodes Optional boolean false A boolean indicating whether the root nodes should be hidden.
motion Optional boolean false To enable rc-tree’s <Tree> transitions
nodeActions Optional ReactNode - The React node to display at the end of each node.
onCheck Optional function - The function to execute when a node is checked or unchecked.
onClick Optional function - The function to execute when a node is clicked.
onDrop Optional function - The function to execute when a node is dropped on another.
onExpand Optional function - The function to execute when a node is expanded or collapsed.
onSelect Optional function - The function to execute when a node is selected.
selectedKeys Optional Identifier[] - An array of identifiers defining the records that should be selected (controlled mode).
sx Optional SxProps - Material UI shortcut for defining custom styles.
titleField Optional string title Set the record field to display in the tree.


The CSS class name to apply on the Root component.

import { Tree } from '@react-admin/ra-tree';
import { data } from './data';

export const SimpleTree = () => <Tree data={data} className="my-class" />;


The tree data to display in the format returned by the dataProvider.

import { Tree } from '@react-admin/ra-tree';

// tree data format
const data = [
    { id: 1, name: 'Clothing', children: [2, 6] },
    { id: 2, name: 'Men', children: [3] },
    { id: 3, name: 'Suits', children: [4, 5] },
    { id: 4, name: 'Slacks', children: [] },
    { id: 5, name: 'Jackets', children: [] },
    { id: 6, name: 'Women', children: [7, 10, 11] },
    { id: 7, name: 'Dresses', children: [8, 9] },
    { id: 8, name: 'Evening Gowns', children: [] },
    { id: 9, name: 'Sun Dresses', children: [] },
    { id: 10, name: 'Skirts', children: [] },
    { id: 11, name: 'Blouses', children: [] },

export const SimpleTree = () => <Tree data={data} />;


An array of identifiers defining the records that should be expanded by default.

import { Tree } from '@react-admin/ra-tree';
import { data } from './data';

export const SimpleTree = () => <Tree data={data} defaultExpandedKeys={[0, 1]} />;


An array of identifiers defining the records that should be selected by default.

import { Tree } from '@react-admin/ra-tree';
import { data } from './data';

export const SimpleTree = () => <Tree data={data} defaultSelectedKeys={[0, 1]} />;


A boolean indicating whether the root nodes should be hidden.

import { Tree } from '@react-admin/ra-tree';
import { data } from './data';

export const SimpleTree = () => <Tree data={data} hideRootNodes />;


A boolean indicating whether to enable rc-tree’s <Tree> transitions.

import { Tree } from '@react-admin/ra-tree';
import { data } from './data';

export const SimpleTree = () => <Tree data={data} motion />;

With a custom motion:

import { Tree } from '@react-admin/ra-tree';
import { data } from './data';

const motion = {
  motionName: 'node-motion',
  motionAppear: false,
  onAppearStart: node => {
    console.log('Start Motion:', node);
    return { height: 0 };
  onAppearActive: node => ({ height: node.scrollHeight }),
  onLeaveStart: node => ({ height: node.offsetHeight }),
  onLeaveActive: () => ({ height: 0 }),

export const SimpleTree = () => (
    <Tree data={data} motion={motion} sx={{
        '& .rc-tree-child-tree': {
            display: 'block'

        '& .node-motion' {
            transition: 'all .3s',
            overflowY: 'hidden',
    }} />


The React node to display at the end of each node.

import { DeleteMenuItem, NodeActions, Tree } from '@react-admin/ra-tree';
import { data } from './data';

const MyCustomActionMenuItem = forwardRef(
    ({ record, resource, parentId }, ref) => {
        const handleClick = () => {
            // Do something with dataProvider ?
        return (
            <MenuItem ref={ref} onClick={handleClick}>
                Do something

const MyActions = () => (
        <MyCustomActionMenuItem />
        <DeleteMenuItem />

export const SimpleTree = () => <Tree data={data} nodeActions={<MyActions />} />;


The function to execute when a node is checked. It receives the event and an array of the checked TreeRecord. It receives the following parameters:

  • event: the original MouseEvent
  • selectedRecords: an array of the currently selected TreeRecord objects
  • record: the TreeRecord that has just been selected or unselected
  • isSelected: a boolean indicating whether the record is now selected or not
import { Tree } from '@react-admin/ra-tree';
import { data } from './data';

export const SimpleTree = () => (
        onCheck={(event, selectedRecords, record, isSelected) => console.log({ selectedRecords })}


The function to execute when a node is clicked. It receives the event and the clicked TreeRecord.

import { Tree } from '@react-admin/ra-tree';
import { data } from './data';

export const SimpleTree = () => <Tree data={data} onClick={(event, record) => console.log({ record })} />;


The function to execute when a node is dropped on another. It receives the event and an object with the following properties:

  • source: the TreeRecord that has been dropped
  • destination: the TreeRecord onto which the node has been dropped
  • position: the position at which the node has been dropped
  • type: a value indicating whether the node should be moved as a sibling or a child of the TreeRecord in destination.
import { Tree } from '@react-admin/ra-tree';
import { data } from './data';

export const SimpleTree = () => (
        onDrop={(event, { source, destination, position, type }) => {
            console.log(`Node ${source.id} has been moved as a ${type} of node ${destination.id} at position ${position}`)


The function to execute when a node is expanded or collapsed. It receives the event and an array of the expanded TreeRecord. It receives the following parameters:

  • event: the original MouseEvent
  • expandedRecords: an array of the currently expanded TreeRecord objects
  • record: the TreeRecord that has just been expanded or collapsed
  • isExpanded: a boolean indicating whether the record is now expanded or collapsed
import { Tree } from '@react-admin/ra-tree';
import { data } from './data';

export const SimpleTree = () => (
        onExpand={(event, expandedRecords, record, isExpanded) => console.log({ expandedRecords })}


The function to execute when a node is expanded or collapsed. It receives the event and the selected TreeRecord. It receives the following parameters:

  • event: the original MouseEvent
  • selectedRecord: The currently selected TreeRecord or undefined
  • record: the TreeRecord that has just been selected or unselected
  • isSelected: a boolean indicating whether the record is now selected or not
import { Tree } from '@react-admin/ra-tree';
import { data } from './data';

export const SimpleTree = () => (
        onSelect={(event, selectedRecord, record, isSelected) => console.log({ record })}


An array of identifiers defining the records that should be selected (controlled mode).

import { Tree } from '@react-admin/ra-tree';
import { data } from './data';

export const SimpleTree = () => <Tree data={data} selectedKeys={[0, 1]} />;


Material UI shortcut for defining custom styles.

import { Tree } from '@react-admin/ra-tree';
import { data } from './data';

export const SimpleTree = () => (
    <Tree data={data} sx={{
        '&': {
            border: 'solid 1px red'
    }} />


Use the titleField prop to specify the name of the field holding the node title:

import { Tree } from '@react-admin/ra-tree';

const data = [
    { id: 1, name: 'Clothing', children: [2, 6] },
    { id: 2, name: 'Men', children: [3] },
    { id: 3, name: 'Suits', children: [4, 5] },
    { id: 4, name: 'Slacks', children: [] },
    { id: 5, name: 'Jackets', children: [] },
    { id: 6, name: 'Women', children: [7, 10, 11] },
    { id: 7, name: 'Dresses', children: [8, 9] },
    { id: 8, name: 'Evening Gowns', children: [] },
    { id: 9, name: 'Sun Dresses', children: [] },
    { id: 10, name: 'Skirts', children: [] },
    { id: 11, name: 'Blouses', children: [] },

export const SimpleTree = () => <Tree data={data} titleField="name" />;