
Displays a number formatted according to the browser locale, right aligned. Ideal for floats, currencies, percentages, units, etc.


Use <NumberField> to display a number in a read-only way. It reads the value from the record context and formats it according to the browser locale.

<NumberField source="views" />
// renders the record { id: 1234, views: 2108 } as
<span>2 108</span>

When used in a <Datagrid> component, <NumberField> displays the value in a right-aligned column.

import { List, Datagrid, NumberField }  from 'react-admin';

const PostList = () => (
            {/* ... */}
            <NumberField source="views" />
            {/* ... */}


<NumberField> works for values that are numbers (e.g. 2108) or strings that convert to numbers (e.g. '2108').

<NumberField> uses Intl.NumberFormat() if available, passing the locales and options props as arguments. This allows a perfect display of decimals, currencies, percentages, etc. See Intl.NumberFormat documentation for the options prop syntax.

import { NumberField }  from 'react-admin';

<NumberField source="price" options={{
    style: 'currency',
    currency: 'USD',
    minimumFractionDigits: 2
}} />
// renders the record { id: 1234, price: 1.2 } as

If Intl is not available, <NumberField> outputs numbers as is (and ignores the locales and options props).


Prop Required Type Default Description
locales Optional string ’’ Locale to use for formatting. Passed as first argument to Intl.NumberFormat().
options Optional Object - Number formatting options. Passed as second argument to Intl.NumberFormat().
textAlign Optional 'left' | 'right' right Text alignment in a Datagrid
transform Optional Function - A function to transform the value before display.

<NumberField> also accepts the common field props.


Override the browser locale in the number formatting. Passed as first argument to Intl.NumberFormat().

import { NumberField }  from 'react-admin';

<NumberField source="price" locales="fr-FR" options={{ style: 'currency', currency: 'USD' }} />
// renders the record { id: 1234, price: 25.99 } as
<span>25,99 $US</span>

When not provided, it uses the browser locale.


Options passed to Intl.NumberFormat(). See the Intl.NumberFormat documentation for the options prop syntax.

import { NumberField }  from 'react-admin';

<NumberField source="score" options={{ maximumFractionDigits: 2 }}/>
// renders the record { id: 1234, score: 567.3567458569 } as

<NumberField source="share" options={{ style: 'percent' }} />
// renders the record { id: 1234, share: 0.2545 } as

<NumberField source="price" options={{ style: 'currency', currency: 'USD' }} />
// renders the record { id: 1234, price: 25.99 } as

<NumberField source="volume" options={{ style: 'unit', unit: 'liter' }} />
// renders the record { id: 1234, volume: 3500 } as
<span>3,500 L</span>

Tip: If you need more formatting options than what Intl.NumberFormat() can provide, build your own field component leveraging a third-party library like numeral.js.


By default, <NumberField> is right-aligned in a <Datagrid>. Change it by setting the textAlign prop to β€œleft”:

import { NumberField }  from 'react-admin';

<NumberField source="score" textAlign="left" />


<NumberField> excepts the field value to be a number or a string. If the value is a string, <NumberField> does an automatic conversion to number (using the + operator).

You may want to override that string to number conversion if the value uses a special format, like representing a float as an integer (e.g. 3.14 as 314) to avoid rounding errors. Use the transform prop for that. It expects a function that takes the field value as argument and returns the transformed value.

import { NumberField }  from 'react-admin';

<NumberField source="price" transform={v => Math.floor(v / 100)} />

For information, the default transform function is:

const defaultTransform = value => {
    if (!value || typeof value === 'number') {
        return value;
    } else if (typeof value === 'string' && !isNaN(value as any)) {
        return +value;
    } else {
        return value;