Upgrading to v5

React-admin v5 mostly focuses on removing deprecated features and upgrading dependencies. This makes the upgrade process easier than previous versions. However, there are still some breaking changes you should be aware of.

IE11 Is No Longer Supported

React-admin v5 uses React 18, which dropped support for Internet Explorer. If you need to support IE11, you’ll have to stay on react-admin v4.


React 18

React-admin v5 uses React 18. If you use react-admin as a library in your own application, you’ll have to upgrade to React 18 as well.

The React team has published a migration guide to help you upgrade. On most projects, this should be a matter of updating the root file of your application:

-import { render } from 'react-dom';
-const container = document.getElementById('app');
-render(<App tab="home" />, container);
+import { createRoot } from 'react-dom/client';
+const container = document.getElementById('app');
+const root = createRoot(container); // createRoot(container!) if you use TypeScript
+root.render(<App tab="home" />);

React 18 adds out-of-the-box performance improvements by doing more batching by default.

Use @tanstack/react-query instead of react-query

React-admin now uses react-query v5 instead of v3. The library name has changed to @tanstack/react-query (but it’s almost the same API). This new version supports React 18, offers performance improvements and new features (see v4 and v5 announcements).

If you used react-query directly in your code, you’ll have to update it, following their migration guides:

Here is a focus of the most important changes.

The package has been renamed to @tanstack/react-query so you’ll have to change your imports:

-import { useQuery } from 'react-query';
+import { useQuery } from '@tanstack/react-query';

All react-query hooks, queryClient and queryCache methods now accept a single object argument:

- useQuery(key, fn, options)
+ useQuery({ queryKey, queryFn, ...options })
- useInfiniteQuery(key, fn, options)
+ useInfiniteQuery({ queryKey, queryFn, ...options })
- useMutation(fn, options)
+ useMutation({ mutationFn, ...options })
- useIsFetching(key, filters)
+ useIsFetching({ queryKey, ...filters })
- useIsMutating(key, filters)
+ useIsMutating({ mutationKey, ...filters })

- queryClient.isFetching(key, filters)
+ queryClient.isFetching({ queryKey, ...filters })
- queryClient.ensureQueryData(key, filters)
+ queryClient.ensureQueryData({ queryKey, ...filters })
- queryClient.getQueriesData(key, filters)
+ queryClient.getQueriesData({ queryKey, ...filters })
- queryClient.setQueriesData(key, updater, filters, options)
+ queryClient.setQueriesData({ queryKey, ...filters }, updater, options)
- queryClient.removeQueries(key, filters)
+ queryClient.removeQueries({ queryKey, ...filters })
- queryClient.resetQueries(key, filters, options)
+ queryClient.resetQueries({ queryKey, ...filters }, options)
- queryClient.cancelQueries(key, filters, options)
+ queryClient.cancelQueries({ queryKey, ...filters }, options)
- queryClient.invalidateQueries(key, filters, options)
+ queryClient.invalidateQueries({ queryKey, ...filters }, options)
- queryClient.refetchQueries(key, filters, options)
+ queryClient.refetchQueries({ queryKey, ...filters }, options)
- queryClient.fetchQuery(key, fn, options)
+ queryClient.fetchQuery({ queryKey, queryFn, ...options })
- queryClient.prefetchQuery(key, fn, options)
+ queryClient.prefetchQuery({ queryKey, queryFn, ...options })
- queryClient.fetchInfiniteQuery(key, fn, options)
+ queryClient.fetchInfiniteQuery({ queryKey, queryFn, ...options })
- queryClient.prefetchInfiniteQuery(key, fn, options)
+ queryClient.prefetchInfiniteQuery({ queryKey, queryFn, ...options })

- queryCache.find(key, filters)
+ queryCache.find({ queryKey, ...filters })
- queryCache.findAll(key, filters)
+ queryCache.findAll({ queryKey, ...filters })


Fortunately, React Query comes with codemods to make the migration easier.


The codemod is a best efforts attempt to help you migrate the breaking change. Please review the generated code thoroughly! Also, there are edge cases that cannot be found by the codemod, so please keep an eye on the log output.

Applying the codemod might break your code formatting, so please don’t forget to run prettier and/or eslint after you’ve applied the codemod!

Once you have added @tanstack/react-query to your dependencies, you can run a codemod like so:

For .js or .jsx files:

npx jscodeshift@latest ./path/to/src/ \
  --extensions=js,jsx \

For .ts or .tsx files:

npx jscodeshift@latest ./path/to/src/ \
  --extensions=ts,tsx \
  --parser=tsx \

Here are the available codemods you may need to run on your codebase:

  • v4/replace-import-specifier.cjs
  • v4/key-transformation.cjs
  • v5/remove-overloads/remove-overloads.cjs
  • v5/is-loading/is-loading.cjs
  • v5/keep-previous-data/keep-previous-data.cjs
  • v5/rename-properties/rename-properties.cjs
  • v5/rename-hydrate/rename-hydrate.cjs

Check out React Query codemod documentation for more information.

Minor Dependencies

Some dependencies of react-admin have been upgraded to their latest major:

Each of these major versions comes with some breaking changes. You should check their respective changelogs to see if you need to update your code.

If you use these dependencies in your own application, make sure you use similar versions to avoid bundling them twice in your application.

UI Changes

Inputs Have Full Width By Default

In the default theme, all inputs now have full width. This makes forms better looking by default, and facilitates custom form layouts as you can nest inputs under <Grid>.

Before After
Capture d’écran 2024-03-08 à 22 47 03 Capture d’écran 2024-03-08 à 22 46 24

If this breaks your existing form layouts, you can revert to the previous style by resetting the fullWidth default prop in the application theme. To do so:

  • If you didn’t use a custom theme, create one based on the default theme:
-import { Admin } from 'react-admin';
+import { Admin, defaultTheme } from 'react-admin';
+import { deepmerge } from '@mui/utils';
import { dataProvider } from './dataProvider';

+const theme = deepmerge(defaultTheme, {
+   components: { 
+       MuiFormControl: { defaultProps: { fullWidth: undefined } },
+       MuiTextField: { defaultProps: { fullWidth: undefined } },
+       MuiAutocomplete: { defaultProps: { fullWidth: undefined } },
+       RaSimpleFormIterator: { defaultProps: { fullWidth: undefined } },
+       RaTranslatableInputs: { defaultProps: { fullWidth: undefined } },
+   }

const MyApp = () => (
-   <Admin dataProvider={dataProvider}>
+   <Admin dataProvider={dataProvider} theme={theme}>
  • If you used a custom theme, update it to include the following lines:
const myTheme = {
    // ...
    components: {
        // ...
+       MuiFormControl: { defaultProps: { fullWidth: undefined } },
+       MuiTextField: { defaultProps: { fullWidth: undefined } },
+       MuiAutocomplete: { defaultProps: { fullWidth: undefined } },
+       RaSimpleFormIterator: { defaultProps: { fullWidth: undefined } },
+       RaTranslatableInputs: { defaultProps: { fullWidth: undefined } },

In the default theme, links are now underlined by default.

Before After
localhost_8000_ (1) localhost_8000_

If you use the <Link> component from react-admin, and you want to remove the underline, set the underline prop to none:

import { Link } from 'react-admin';

const MyComponent = () => (
-   <Link to="/foo">Foo</Link>
+   <Link to="/foo" underline="none">Foo</Link>

Some react-admin component use <Link> under the hood, and will also render underlined links:

  • <Count>
  • <EmailField>
  • <FileField>
  • <ReferenceField>
  • <ReferenceManyCount>
  • <UrlField>

<SingleFieldList> still disables the underline by default.

To remove the underline in these components, use the sx prop. For instance, to remove the underline in <ReferenceField>:

const CompanyField = () => (
-   <ReferenceField source="company_id" reference="companies" />
+   <ReferenceField source="company_id" reference="companies" sx={{
+      '& a': { textDecoration: 'none' }
+   }} />

Dark Theme Is Available By Default

In addition to the light theme, React-admin v5 includes a dark theme, renders a theme switcher in the app bar, and chooses the default theme based on the user OS preferences.

If you don’t need the dark mode feature, you’ll have to explicitly disable it:

+<Admin darkTheme={null}>

Data Provider

ra-data-graphql And ra-data-graphql-simple No Longer Return A Promise

The Graphql data providers builders used to return a promise that made admins initialization complicated. This is no longer needed.

// in App.js
import React from 'react';
import { Component } from 'react';
import buildGraphQLProvider from 'ra-data-graphql-simple';
import { Admin, Resource } from 'react-admin';

import { PostCreate, PostEdit, PostList } from './posts';

+ const dataProvider = buildGraphQLProvider({ clientOptions: { uri: 'http://localhost:4000' } });

const App = () => {
-    const [dataProvider, setDataProvider] = React.useState(null);
-    React.useEffect(() => {
-        buildGraphQLProvider({ clientOptions: { uri: 'http://localhost:4000' } })
-            .then(graphQlDataProvider => setDataProvider(() => graphQlDataProvider));
-    }, []);

-    if (!dataProvider) {
-        return <div>Loading < /div>;
-    }

    return (
        <Admin dataProvider={dataProvider} >
            <Resource name="Post" list={PostList} edit={PostEdit} create={PostCreate} />

export default App;

Application Root & Layout

<Admin menu> Is No Longer Supported

The <Admin menu> prop was deprecated since 4.0. It’s no longer supported. If you want to customize the application menu, you’ll have to do it in a custom Layout instead:

-import { Admin } from 'react-admin';
+import { Admin, Layout } from 'react-admin';
import { MyMenu } from './MyMenu';

+const MyLayout = ({ children }) => (
+    <Layout menu={MyMenu}>{children}</Layout>

const App = () => (
-   <Admin menu={MyMenu} dataProvider={dataProvider}>
+   <Admin layout={MyLayout} dataProvider={dataProvider}>

<Admin history> Prop Was Removed

The <Admin history> prop was deprecated since version 4. It is no longer supported.

The most common use-case for this prop was inside unit tests (and stories), to pass a MemoryRouter and control the initialEntries.

To that purpose, react-admin now exports a TestMemoryHistory component that you can use in your tests:

import { render, screen } from '@testing-library/react';
-import { createMemoryHistory } from 'history';
-import { CoreAdminContext } from 'react-admin';
+import { CoreAdminContext, TestMemoryRouter } from 'react-admin';
import * as React from 'react';

describe('my test suite', () => {
    it('my test', async () => {
-       const history = createMemoryHistory({ initialEntries: ['/'] });
+           <TestMemoryRouter initialEntries={['/']}>
-             <CoreAdminContext history={history}>
+             <CoreAdminContext>
                <div>My Component</div>
+           </TestMemoryRouter>
        await screen.findByText('My Component');


To help you migrate your tests, we’ve created a codemod that will replace the <Admin history> prop with the <TestMemoryRouter> component.


This codemod was used to migrate the react-admin test suite, but it was never designed to cover all cases, and was not tested against other code bases. You can try using it as basis to see if it helps migrating your code base, but please review the generated changes thoroughly!

Applying the codemod might break your code formatting, so please don’t forget to run prettier and/or eslint after you’ve applied the codemod!

For .js or .jsx files:

npx jscodeshift ./path/to/src/ \
    --extensions=js,jsx \

For .ts or .tsx files:

npx jscodeshift ./path/to/src/ \
    --extensions=ts,tsx \
    --parser=tsx \

<HistoryRouter> Was Removed

Along with the removal of the <Admin history> prop, we also removed the (undocumented) <HistoryRouter> component.

Just like for <Admin history>, the most common use-case for this component was inside unit tests (and stories), to control the initialEntries.

Here too, you can use TestMemoryHistory as a replacement:

import { render, screen } from '@testing-library/react';
-import { createMemoryHistory } from 'history';
-import { CoreAdminContext, HistoryRouter } from 'react-admin';
+import { CoreAdminContext, TestMemoryRouter } from 'react-admin';
import * as React from 'react';

describe('my test suite', () => {
    it('my test', async () => {
-       const history = createMemoryHistory({ initialEntries: ['/'] });
-           <HistoryRouter history={history}>            
+           <TestMemoryRouter initialEntries={['/']}>
                <div>My Component</div>
-           </HistoryRouter>
+           </TestMemoryRouter>
        await screen.findByText('My Component');

Custom Layout No Longer Receives Props

React-admin used to inject 4 props to custom layouts: children, dashboard, menu, and title. In react-admin v5, only the children prop is injected.

This means that you’ll need to use hooks to get the other props:

+import { useHasDashboard, useDefaultTitle } from 'react-admin';

-const MyLayout = ({ children, dashboard, title }) => (
+const MyLayout = ({ children }) => {
-   const hasDashboard = !!dashboard;
+   const hasDashboard = useHasDashboard();
+   const title = useDefaultTitle();
    // ...

const App = () => (
    <Admin layout={MyLayout} dataProvider={dataProvider}>

As for the menu prop, it’s no longer injected by react-admin because the <Admin menu> prop is no longer supported. But you can still customize the menu of the default Layout as before:

import { Layout } from 'react-admin';
import { MyMenu } from './MyMenu';

const MyLayout = ({ children }) => (
    <Layout menu={MyMenu}>{children}</Layout>

const App = () => (
    <Admin layout={MyLayout} dataProvider={dataProvider}>

Custom App Bars No Longer Receive Props

React-admin used to inject 2 props to custom app bars: open, and title. These deprecated props are no longer injected in v5. If you need them, you’ll have to use hooks:

+import { useSidebarState, useDefaultTitle } from 'react-admin';

-const MyAppBar = ({ open, title }) => (
+const MyAppBar = () => {
+   const [open] = useSidebarState();
+   const title = useDefaultTitle();
    // ...

const MyLayout = ({ children }) => (
    <Layout appBar={MyAppBar}>{children}</Layout>

Custom Menu No Longer Receive Props

React-admin used to inject one prop to custom menus: hasDashboard. This deprecated prop is no longer injected in v5. If you need it, you’ll have to use the useHasDashboard hook instead:

+import { useHasDashboard } from 'react-admin';

-const MyMenu = ({ hasDashboard }) => (
+const MyMenu = () => {
+   const hasDashboard = useHasDashboard();
    // ...

const MyLayout = ({ children }) => (
    <Layout menu={MyMenu}>{children}</Layout>

Custom Error Page No Longer Receives Title

React-admin injects several props to custom error pages, including the default app title. This prop is no longer injected in v5. If you need it, you’ll have to use the useDefaultTitle hook instead:

+import { useDefaultTitle } from 'react-admin';

-const MyError = ({ error, errorInfo, title }) => (
+const MyError = ({ error, errorInfo }) => {
+   const title = useDefaultTitle();
    // ...

const MyLayout = ({ children }) => (
    <Layout error={MyError}>{children}</Layout>

Custom Catch All No Longer Receives Title

React-admin used to inject the default app title to custom catch all pages. This prop is no longer injected in v5. If you need it, you’ll have to use the useDefaultTitle hook instead:

+import { useDefaultTitle } from 'react-admin';

-const MyCatchAll = ({ title }) => (
+const MyCatchAll = () => {
+   const title = useDefaultTitle();
    // ...

const App = () => (
    <Admin catchAll={MyCatchAll} dataProvider={dataProvider}>

List Components

List Components Can No Longer Be Used In Standalone

An undocumented feature allowed some components designed for list pages to be used outside of a list page, by relying on their props instead of the ListContext. This feature was removed in v5.

This concerns the following components:

  • <BulkActionsToolbar>
  • <BulkDeleteWithConfirmButton>
  • <BulkDeleteWithUndoButton>
  • <BulkExportButton>
  • <BulkUpdateWithConfirmButton>
  • <BulkUpdateWithUndoButton>
  • <EditActions>
  • <ExportButton>
  • <FilterButton>
  • <FilterForm>
  • <ListActions>
  • <Pagination>
  • <UpdateWithConfirmButton>
  • <UpdateWithUndoButton>

To continue using these components, you’ll have to wrap them in a <ListContextProvider> component:

const MyPagination = ({
}) => {
    return (
-       <Pagination page={page} perPage={perPage} total={total} setPage={setPage} setPerPage={setPerPage} />
+       <ListContextProvider value={{ page, perPage, total, setPage, setPerPage }}>
+           <Pagination />
+       </ListContextProvider>

The following components are not affected and can still be used in standalone mode:

  • <Datagrid>
  • <SimpleList>
  • <SingleFieldList>

<List hasCreate> Is No Longer Supported

To force a List view to display a Create button even though the corresponding resource doesn’t have a create component, pass a custom actions component to the List component:

-import { List } from 'react-admin';
+import { List, ListActions } from 'react-admin';

const PostList = () => (
-   <List hasCreate>
+   <List actions={<ListActions hasCreate />}>

<Datagrid rowClick> is no longer false by default

<Datagrid> will now make the rows clickable as soon as a Show or Edit view is declared on the resource (using the resource definition).

If you previously relied on the fact that the rows were not clickable by default, you now need to explicitly disable the rowClick feature:

+<Datagrid rowClick={false}>

<Datagrid expand> Components No Longer Receive Any Props

An undocumented features allowed datagrid expand panels to read the current resource, record, and id from their props. This is no longer the case in v5, as expand panels are now rendered without props by <Datagrid>.

If you used these props in your expand components, you’ll have to use the useRecordContext hook instead:

-const PostExpandPanel = ({ record, resource, id }) => {
+const PostExpandPanel = () => {
+   const record = useRecordContext();
+   const resource = useResourceContext();
+   const id = record?.id;
    // ...

<Datagrid> In Standalone Requires a resource Prop

When using <Datagrid> outside of a <List> component, you now need to pass a resource prop:

const sort = { field: 'id', order: 'DESC' };

const MyCustomList = () => {
    const { data, total, isPending } = useGetList('books', {
        pagination: { page: 1, perPage: 10 },

    return (
+           resource="books"
            <TextField source="id" />
            <TextField source="title" />

setFilters Is No Longer Debounced By Default

If you’re using the useListContext hook to filter a list, you might have used the setFilters function to update the filters. In react-admin v5, the setFilters function is no longer debounced by default. If you want to debounce the filters, you’ll have to pass true as the third argument:

import { useListContext } from 'react-admin';

const MyFilter = () => {
    const { filterValues, setFilters } = useListContext();
    const handleChange = (event) => {
-       setFilters({ ...filterValues, [event.target.name]: event.target.value });
+       setFilters({ ...filterValues, [event.target.name]: event.target.value }, undefined, true);

    return (
            <input name="country" value={filterValues.country} onChange={handleChange} />
            <input name="city" value={filterValues.city} onChange={handleChange} />
            <input name="zipcode" value={filterValues.zipcode} onChange={handleChange} />

Updates to bulkActionButtons Syntax

The bulkActionButtons prop has been moved from the <List> component to the <Datagrid> component.

const PostList = () => (
-   <List bulkActionButtons={<BulkActionButtons />}>
+   <List>
-      <Datagrid>
+      <Datagrid bulkActionButtons={<BulkActionButtons />}>

Besides, the buttons passed as bulkActionButtons no longer receive any prop. If you need the current filter values or the selected ids, you’ll have to use the useListContext hook:

-const BulkResetViewsButton = ({ resource, selectedIds }) => {
+const BulkResetViewsButton = () => {
+   const { resource, selectedIds } = useListContext();
    const notify = useNotify();
    const unselectAll = useUnselectAll(resource);
    const [updateMany, { isPending }] = useUpdateMany();

    const handleClick = () => {
            { ids: selectedIds, data: { views: 0 } },
                onSuccess: () => {
                    notify('Views reset');
                onError: () => notify('Views not reset', { type: 'error' }),
    return (
            label="Reset views"
            onClick={() => updateMany()}
            <VisibilityOff />

<PaginationLimit> Component Was Removed

The deprecated <PaginationLimit> component was removed.

<DatagridBody> No Longer Provides record Prop To <DatagridRow>

The <DatagridBody> component no longer provides a record prop to its <DatagridRow> children. Instead, it provides a RecordContext for each row:

const MyDatagridRow = ({
-    record,
-    id,
}: DatagridRowProps) => {
+    const record = useRecordContext();
+    return record ? (
-         <RecordContextProvider value={record}>
                  {selectable && (
                          onClick={event => {
                              if (onToggleItem) {
-                                      onToggleItem(id, event);
+                                      onToggleItem(record.id, event);
              {React.Children.map(children, field =>
                  React.isValidElement<FieldProps>(field) &&
                  field.props.source ? (
-                         <TableCell key={`${id}-${field.props.source}`}>{field}</TableCell>
+                         <TableCell key={`${record.id}-${field.props.source}`}>{field}</TableCell>
                  ) : null
-         </RecordContextProvider>
     ) : null;

See the <Datagrid body/> documentation to learn how to create your own row component.

useRecordSelection Props Have Changed

The props passed to the useRecordSelection hook have changed. You have to pass an object with a resource attribute instead of a string.

const MyComponent = () => {
-    const [selectedIds, selectionModifiers] = useRecordSelection('posts');
+    const [selectedIds, selectionModifiers] = useRecordSelection( { resource: 'posts' });


Show and Edit Pages

Custom Edit or Show Actions No Longer Receive Any Props

React-admin used to inject the record and resource props to custom edit or show actions. These props are no longer injected in v5. If you need them, you’ll have to use the useRecordContext and useResourceContext hooks instead. But if you use the standard react-admin buttons like <ShowButton>, which already uses these hooks, you don’t need to inject anything.

-const MyEditActions = ({ data }) => (
+const MyEditActions = () => (
-       <ShowButton record={data} />
+       <ShowButton />

const PostEdit = () => (
    <Edit actions={<MyEditActions />} {...props}>

Inputs default ids are auto-generated

In previous versions, the input default id was the source of the input. In v5, inputs defaults ids are auto-generated with React useId().

Tip: You still can pass an id as prop of any react-admin input or use a reference.

If you were using inputs ids in your tests, you should pass your own id to the dedicated input.

<SimpleFormIterator> No Longer Clones Its Buttons

<SimpleFormIterator> used to clones the add, remove and reorder buttons and inject some props to them such as onClick and className. If you relied on those props in your custom buttons, you should now leverage the following hooks:

  • useSimpleFormIterator for buttons that are not tied to an item such as the add button.
- import { Button, ButtonProps } from 'react-admin';
+ import { Button, ButtonProps, useSimpleFormIterator } from 'react-admin';

export const MyAddButton = (props: ButtonProps) => {
+    const { add } = useSimpleFormIterator();
-    return <Button {...props}>Add</Button>;
+    return <Button {...props} onClick={() => add()}>Add</Button>;
  • useSimpleFormIteratorItem for buttons that are tied to an item such as the remove and reorder buttons.
- import { Button, ButtonProps } from 'react-admin';
+ import { Button, ButtonProps, useSimpleFormIteratorItem } from 'react-admin';

export const MyRemoveButton = (props: ButtonProps) => {
+    const { remove } = useSimpleFormIteratorItem();
-    return <Button {...props}>Add</Button>;
+    return <Button {...props} onClick={() => remove()}>Add</Button>;

<SimpleFormIterator> no longer clones its children

We’ve changed the implementation of <SimpleFormIterator>, the companion child of <ArrayInput>. This internal change is mostly backwards compatible, with one exception: defining the disabled prop on the <ArrayInput> component does not disable the children inputs anymore. If you relied on this behavior, you now have to specify the disabled prop on each input:

<ArrayInput disabled={someCondition}>
-      <TextInput source="lastName" />
-      <TextInput source="firstName" />
+      <TextInput source="lastName" disabled={someCondition} />
+      <TextInput source="firstName" disabled={someCondition} />

<FormDataConsumer> no longer passes a getSource function

When using <FormDataConsumer> inside an <ArrayInput>, the child function no longer receives a getSource callback. We’ve made all Input components able to work seamlessly inside an <ArrayInput>, so it’s no longer necessary to transform their source with getSource:

import { Edit, SimpleForm, TextInput, ArrayInput, SelectInput, FormDataConsumer } from 'react-admin';

const PostEdit = () => (
            <ArrayInput source="authors">
                    <TextInput source="name" />
                            formData, // The whole form data
                            scopedFormData, // The data for this item of the ArrayInput
-                           getSource,
                        }) =>
                            scopedFormData && getSource && scopedFormData.name ? (
-                                    source={getSource('role')}
+                                    source="role" // Will translate to "authors[0].role"
                                    choices={[{ id: 1, name: 'Head Writer' }, { id: 2, name: 'Co-Writer' }]}
                            ) : null

If you still need to access the effective source of an input inside an <ArrayInput>, for example to change the value programmatically using setValue, you will need to leverage the useSourceContext hook.

import { ArrayInput, SimpleFormIterator, TextInput, useSourceContext } from 'react-admin';
import { useFormContext } from 'react-hook-form';
import { Button } from '@mui/material';

const MakeAdminButton = () => {
    const sourceContext = useSourceContext();
    const { setValue } = useFormContext();

    const onClick = () => {
        // sourceContext.getSource('role') will for instance return
        // 'users.0.role'
        setValue(sourceContext.getSource('role'), 'admin');

    return (
        <Button onClick={onClick} size="small" sx={{ minWidth: 120 }}>
            Make admin

const UserArray = () => (
    <ArrayInput source="users">
        <SimpleFormIterator inline>
            <TextInput source="name" helperText={false} />
            <TextInput source="role" helperText={false} />
            <MakeAdminButton />

Tip: If you only need the item’s index, you can leverage the useSimpleFormIteratorItem hook instead.

Mutation Middlewares No Longer Receive The Mutation Options

Mutations middlewares no longer receive the mutation options:

import * as React from 'react';
import {
-    MutateOptions,
} from 'react-admin';

const MyComponent = () => {
    const createMiddleware = async (
        resource: string,
        params: CreateParams,
-        options: MutateOptions,
        next: CreateMutationFunction
    ) => {
        // Do something before the mutation

        // Call the next middleware
-        await next(resource, params, options);
+        await next(resource, params);

        // Do something after the mutation
    const memoizedMiddleWare = React.useCallback(createMiddleware, []);
    // ...

warnWhenUnsavedChanges Changes

The warnWhenUnsavedChanges feature is a little more restrictive than before:

  • It will open a confirmation dialog (and block the navigation) if a navigation is fired when the form is currently submitting (submission will continue in the background).
  • Due to browser constraints, the message displayed in the confirmation dialog when closing the browser’s tab cannot be customized (it is managed by the browser).

This behavior allows to prevent unwanted data loss in more situations. No changes are required in the code.

However, the warnWhenUnsavedChanges now requires a Data Router (a new type of router from react-router) to work. React-admin uses such a data router by default, so the feature works out of the box in v5.

However, if you use a custom router and the warnWhenUnsavedChanges prop, the “warn when unsaved changes” feature will be disabled.

To re-enable it, you’ll have to migrate your custom router to use the data router. For instance, if you were using react-router’s BrowserRouter, you will need to migrate to createBrowserRouter and wrap your app in a RouterProvider:

import * as React from 'react';
import { Admin, Resource } from 'react-admin';
import { createRoot } from 'react-dom/client';
-import { BrowserRouter } from 'react-router-dom';
+import { createBrowserRouter, RouterProvider } from 'react-router-dom';

import dataProvider from './dataProvider';
import posts from './posts';

const App = () => (
-    <BrowserRouter>
        <Admin dataProvider={dataProvider}>
            <Resource name="posts" {...posts} />
-    </BrowserRouter>

+const router = createBrowserRouter([{ path: '*', element: <App /> }]);

const container = document.getElementById('root');
const root = createRoot(container);

-        <App />
+        <RouterProvider router={router} />

Tip: Check out the Migrating to RouterProvider documentation to learn more about the migration steps and impacts.

Global Server Side Validation Error Message Must Be Passed Via The root.serverError Key

You can now include a global server-side error message in the response to a failed create or update request. This message will be rendered in a notification. To do so, include the error message in the root.serverError key of the errors object in the response body:

    "body": {
        "errors": {
+           "root": { "serverError": "Some of the provided values are not valid. Please fix them and retry." },
            "title": "An article with this title already exists. The title must be unique.",
            "date": "The date is required",
            "tags": { "message": "The tag 'agrriculture' doesn't exist" },

Minor BC: To avoid a race condition between the notifications sent due to both the http error and the validation error, React Admin will no longer display a notification for the http error if the response contains a non-empty errors object and the mutation mode is pessimistic. If you relied on this behavior to render a global server-side error message, you should now include the message in the root.serverError key of the errors object.

-   "message": "Some of the provided values are not valid. Please fix them and retry.",
    "body": {
        "errors": {
+           "root": { "serverError": "Some of the provided values are not valid. Please fix them and retry." },
            "title": "An article with this title already exists. The title must be unique.",
            "date": "The date is required",
            "tags": { "message": "The tag 'agrriculture' doesn't exist" },

Input Components

<FileInput> And <ImageInput> accept prop has changed

As we updated react-dropzone from v12 to v14, the accept prop of the <FileInput> and <ImageInput> components has changed:

-<FileInput source="attachments" accept="application/pdf">
+<FileInput source="attachments" accept={{ 'application/pdf': ['.pdf'] }}>

See react-dropzone documentation for more details.

Inputs No Longer Require To Be Touched To Display A Validation Error

In previous versions, validation errors were only displayed after the input was touched or the form was submitted. In v5, validation errors are fully entrusted to the form library (react-hook-form), which is responsible to decide when to display them.

Tip: You can use the mode prop to configure the validation strategy to your needs (onSubmit, onBlur, onChange, or onTouched).

For most use-cases this will have no impact, because react-hook-form works the same way (it will wait for an input to be touched before triggering its validation).

But this should help with some advanced cases, for instance if some validation errors need to be displayed on untouched fields.

It will also improve the user experience, as the form isValid state will be consistent with error messages displayed on inputs, regardless of whether they have been touched or not.

<InputHelperText touched> Prop Was Removed

The <InputHelperText> component no longer accepts a touched prop. This prop was used to display validation errors only if the input was touched. This behavior is now handled by react-hook-form.

If you were using this prop, you can safely remove it.


React-admin now compiles with strictNullChecks. This means that an application based on react-admin v4 will probably not compile immediately with react-admin v5. This will force you to update your codebase, but that’s for the best: it will make your code more robust and less error-prone.

Fields Components Requires The source Prop

The FieldProps interface now requires the source prop to be defined. As a consequence, all the default fields components also require the source prop to be defined. This impacts custom fields that typed their props with the FieldProps interface. If your custom field is not meant to be used in a <Datagrid>, you may declare the source prop optional:

import { FieldProps, useRecordContext } from 'react-admin';

-const AvatarField = (props: FieldProps) => {
+const AvatarField = (props: Omit<FieldProps, 'source'>) => {
    const record = useRecordContext();
    if (!record) return null;
    return (
            alt={`${record.first_name} ${record.last_name}`}

useRecordContext Returns undefined When No Record Is Available

The useRecordContext hook reads the current record from the RecordContext. This context may be empty (e.g. while the record is being fetched). The return type for useRecordContext has been modified to Record | undefined instead of Record to denote this possibility.

As a consequence, the TypeScript compilation of your project may fail if you don’t check the existence of the record before reading it.

To fix this error, your code should handle the case where useRecordContext returns undefined:

const MyComponent = () => {
    const record = useRecordContext();
+   if (!record) return null;
    return (

useAuthProvider Returns undefined When No authProvider Is Available

The useAuthProvider hook returns the current authProvider. Since the authProvider is optional, this context may be empty. Thus, the return type for useAuthProvider has been modified to AuthProvider | undefined instead of AuthProvider to denote this possibility.

As a consequence, the TypeScript compilation of your project may fail if you don’t check the existence of the authProvider before reading it.

To fix this error, your code should handle the case where useAuthProvider returns undefined:

const useGetPermissions = (): GetPermissions => {
    const authProvider = useAuthProvider();
    const getPermissions = useCallback(
        (params: any = {}) =>
+           authProvider ?
                      .then(result => result ?? null)
+               : Promise.resolve([]),
    return getPermissions;

Page Contexts Are Now Types Instead of Interfaces

The return type of page controllers is now a type. If you were using an interface extending one of:

  • ListControllerResult,
  • InfiniteListControllerResult,
  • EditControllerResult,
  • ShowControllerResult, or
  • CreateControllerResult,

you’ll have to change it to a type:

import { ListControllerResult } from 'react-admin';

-interface MyListControllerResult extends ListControllerResult {
+type MyListControllerResult = ListControllerResult & {
    customProp: string;

Stronger Types For Page Contexts

The return type of page context hooks is now smarter. This concerns the following hooks:

  • useListContext,
  • useEditContext,
  • useShowContext, and
  • useCreateContext

Depending on the fetch status of the data, the type of the data, error, and isPending properties will be more precise:

  • Loading: { data: undefined, error: undefined, isPending: true }
  • Success: { data: <Data>, error: undefined, isPending: false }
  • Error: { data: undefined, error: <Error>, isPending: false }
  • Error After Refetch: { data: <Data>, error: <Error>, isPending: false }

This means that TypeScript may complain if you use the data property without checking if it’s defined first. You’ll have to update your code to handle the different states:

const MyCustomList = () => {
    const { data, error, isPending } = useListContext();
    if (isPending) return <Loading />;
+   if (error) return <Error />;
    return (
            {data.map(record => (
                <li key={record.id}>{record.name}</li>

Besides, these hooks will now throw an error when called outside of a page context. This means that you can’t use them in a custom component that is not a child of a <List>, <ListBase>, <Edit>, <EditBase>, <Show>, <ShowBase>, <Create>, or <CreateBase> component.

EditProps and CreateProps now expect a children prop

EditProps and CreateProps now expect a children prop, just like ListProps and ShowProps. If you were using these types in your custom components, you’ll have to update them:

-const ReviewEdit = ({ id }: EditProps) => (
+const ReviewEdit = ({ id }: Omit<EditProps, 'children'>) => (
   <Edit id={id}>

BulkActionProps Type Has Been Removed

The BulkActionProps has been removed as it did not contain any prop. You can safely remove it from your custom bulk actions.

onError Type From ra-core Was Removed

The onError type from ra-core was removed. Use OnError instead.

PublicFieldProps Interface Was Removed

PublicFieldProps interface has been removed. Use FieldProps instead.

InjectedFieldProps Interface Was Removed

InjectedFieldProps interface has been removed. Use FieldProps instead.

formClassName Prop Of FieldProps Type Was Removed

The deprecated formClassName prop of FieldProps type has been removed as it is no longer used.

formClassName Prop Of CommonInputProps Type Was Removed

The deprecated formClassName prop of CommonInputProps type has been removed as it is no longer used.


useCheckAuth No Longer Accepts A disableNotification Param

The useCheckAuth hook no longer accepts the deprecated disableNotification param. To disable the “Authentication required” notification when calling checkAuth, authProvider.checkAuth() should return a rejected promise with the value { message: false }:

const authProvider: AuthProvider = {
    checkAuth: () => Promise.reject({ message: false }),

useLogoutIfAccessDenied No Longer Accepts A disableNotification Param

The useLogoutIfAccessDenied hook no longer accepts the deprecated disableNotification param. To disable the “Authentication required” notification when checkError is called, authProvider.checkError() should return a rejected promise with the value { message: false }:

const authProvider: AuthProvider = {
    checkError: () => Promise.reject({ message: false }),

Or the useLogoutIfAccessDenied hook could be called with an error param as follows:

const logoutIfAccessDenied = useLogoutIfAccessDenied();
logoutIfAccessDenied(new Error('Denied'));

usePermissionsOptimized Hook Was Removed

The usePermissionsOptimized hooks was deprecated and has been removed. Use usePermissions instead.


linkToRecord Helper Was Removed

The linkToRecord helper was removed. Use useCreatePath instead.

resolveRedirectTo Helper Was Removed

The resolveRedirectTo helper was removed. Use useCreatePath instead.


useTheme no longer accepts a theme object as an optional argument

The useTheme hook no longer accepts a RaTheme object as an argument to return a RaTheme object; instead, it now only takes an optional default value for the theme preference (ThemeType, like "light" and "dark"), and returns the current theme preference (ThemeType, like "light" and "dark") and a setter for the preference.

If you’re using a theme object to have useTheme determine the default value it should use, you should pass the value instead:

const myThemeObject = {
    palette: {
        type: "light",

- const [themeObject, setTheme] = useTheme(myThemeObject)
+ const [themePreference, setTheme] = useTheme(myThemeObject.palette.type)
// Alternatively
+ const [themePreference, setTheme] = const useTheme("light")
// Alternatively, since you usually don't need a default value for the theme preference
+ const [themePreference, setTheme] = useTheme();

ToggleThemeButton no longer accepts themes as props

In previous versions, <ToggleThemeButton> used to accept lighTheme and darkTheme props. These props are no longer supported in v5. Instead, you should set the themes in the <Admin> component. And by the way, react-admin is smart enough to include the ToggleThemeButton in the app bar if you set the themes in <Admin>, so you probably don’t need to include the button manually anymore.

-import { Admin, Layout, AppBar, ToggleThemeButton } from 'react-admin';
+import { Admin } from 'react-admin';
import { dataProvider } from './dataProvider';
import { lightTheme, darkTheme } from './themes';

-const MyAppBar = () => <AppBar toolbar={<ToggleThemeButton lightTheme={lightTheme} darkTheme={darkTheme} />} />
-const MyLayout = (props) => <Layout {...props} appBar={<MyAppBar />} />;

const App = () => (
-   <Admin dataProvider={dataProvider} layout={MyLayout}>
+   <Admin dataProvider={dataProvider} lightTheme={lightTheme} darkTheme={darkTheme}>

<ThemeProvider theme> Is No Longer Supported

The deprecated <ThemeProvider theme> prop was removed. Use the ThemesContext.Provider instead:

-import { ThemeProvider } from 'react-admin';
+import { ThemeProvider, ThemesContext } from 'react-admin';
 export const ThemeWrapper = ({ children }) => {
     return (
-        <ThemeProvider
-            theme={{
-                palette: { mode: 'dark' },
+        <ThemesContext.Provider
+            value={{
+                darkTheme: { palette: { mode: 'dark' } },
+                lightTheme: { palette: { mode: 'light' } },
-            {children}
-        </ThemeProvider>
+            <ThemeProvider>{children}</ThemeProvider>
+        </ThemesContext.Provider>


data-generator-retail commands Have Been Renamed to orders

The data-generator-retail package has been updated to provide types for all its records. In the process, we renamed the commands resource to orders. Accordingly, the nb_commands property of the customers resource has been renamed to nb_orders and the command_id property of the invoices and reviews resources has been renamed to order_id.

Support For PropTypes Was Removed

React-admin no longer supports (deprecated React PropTypes). We encourage you to switch to TypeScript to type component props.

Upgrading to v4

If you are on react-admin v3, follow the Upgrading to v4 guide before upgrading to v5.