
<TextArrayInput> lets you edit an array of strings, like a list of email addresses or a list of tags. It renders as an input where the current values are represented as chips. Users can add or delete new values.


Use <TextArrayInput> to edit an array of strings:

import { Create, SimpleForm, TextArrayInput, TextInput } from 'react-admin';

export const EmailCreate = () => (
            <TextArrayInput source="to" />
            <TextInput source="subject" />
            <TextInput source="body" multiline minRows={5} />

This form will allow users to input multiple email addresses in the to field. The resulting email will look like this:

    "to": ["jane.smith@example.com", "john.doe@acme.com"],
    "subject": "Request for a quote",
    "body": "Hi,\n\nI would like to know if you can provide a quote for the following items:\n\n- 100 units of product A\n- 50 units of product B\n- 25 units of product C\n\nBest regards,\n\nJulie\n",
    "id": 123,
    "date": "2024-11-26T11:37:22.564Z",
    "from": "julie.green@example.com",

<TextArrayInput> is designed for simple string arrays. For more complex use cases, consider the following alternatives:


Prop Required Type Default Description
options Optional string[]   Optional list of possible values for the input. If provided, the input will suggest these values as the user types.
renderTags Optional (value, getTagProps) => ReactNode   A function to render selected value.

<TextArrayInput> also accepts the common input props.

Additional props are passed down to the underlying Material UI <Autocomplete> component.


You can make show a list of suggestions to the user by setting the options prop:



To customize the rendering of the chips, use the renderTags prop. This prop is a function that takes two arguments:

  • value: The input value (an array of strings)
  • getTagProps: A props getter for an individual tag.
    renderTags={(value: readonly string[], getTagProps) =>
        value.map((option: string, index: number) => {
            const { key, ...tagProps } = getTagProps({ index });
            return (