
The react-admin user interface uses English as the default language. But you can also display the UI and content in other languages, allow changing language at runtime, and even lazy-loading optional languages to avoid increasing the bundle size with all translations.

You will use translation features mostly via the i18nProvider, and a set of hooks (useTranslate, useLocaleState).

We’ll use a bit of custom vocabulary in this section:

  • “i18n” is a shorter way to write “internationalization” (an “i” followed by 18 letters followed by “n”)
  • “locale” is a concept similar to language, but it also includes the concept of country. For instance, there are several English locales (like en_us and en_gb) because US and UK citizens don’t use exactly the same language. For react-admin, the “locale” is just a key for your i18nProvider, so it can have any value you want.
  • “translation key” is a string that is used to identify a piece of text in your application, e.g. “” for the <SaveButton> label

Anatomy Of An i18nProvider

Just like for data fetching and authentication, react-admin is agnostic to your translation backend. It relies on a provider for internationalization. It’s called the i18nProvider, and it manages translation and language changes.

It should be an object with the following methods:

// in src/i18nProvider.ts
export const i18nProvider = {
    // required
    translate: (key, options) => string,
    changeLocale: locale => Promise<void>,
    getLocale: () => string,
    // optional
    getLocales: () => [{ locale: string, name: string }],

Use the <Admin i18nProvider> prop to define the i18nProvider of a react-admin app:

import { i18nProvider } from './i18nProvider';

const App = () => (
        {/* ... */}

If you want to add or update translations, you’ll have to provide your own i18nProvider.

Translation Keys

React-admin components use translation keys for their text and rely on the i18nProvider to translate them.

For instance, the <SaveButton> renders the word ‘Save’ in English and ‘Enregistrer’ in French. This is because the button actually renders the return value of the i18nProvider.translate('') method:

import { Button, useTranslate } from 'react-admin';

const SaveButton = ({ doSave }) => {
    const translate = useTranslate(); // returns the i18nProvider.translate() method
    return (
        <Button onClick={doSave}>

If you build an app for users from several countries, you should do the same: always use translation keys instead of plain text in your own components:

// in src/MyHelloButton.js
import * as React from "react";
import { useTranslate } from 'react-admin';

export const MyHelloButton = () => {
    const translate = useTranslate();
    const handleClick = () => {
        /* ... */
    return (

Check the Translating the UI for example usage of the useTranslate hook.


Although you can build an i18nProvider from scratch, react-admin provides a package called ra-i18n-polyglot that leverages the Polyglot.js library to build an i18nProvider based on a dictionary of translations.

// in src/i18nProvider.js
import polyglotI18nProvider from 'ra-i18n-polyglot';
import en from 'ra-language-english';
import fr from 'ra-language-french';

const translations = { en, fr };

export const i18nProvider = polyglotI18nProvider(
    locale => translations[locale],
    'en', // default locale
    [{ locale: 'en', name: 'English' }, { locale: 'fr', name: 'Français' }],

// in src/App.js
import { Admin } from 'react-admin';
import { i18nProvider } from './i18nProvider';

const App = () => (

Check the translation setup documentation for details about ra-i18n-polyglot and how to configure it.


React-admin also provides a package called ra-i18n-i18next that leverages the i18next library to build an i18nProvider based on a dictionary of translations.

You might prefer this package over ra-i18n-polyglot when:

// in src/i18nProvider.js
import i18n from 'i18next';
import { useI18nextProvider, convertRaTranslationsToI18next } from 'ra-i18n-i18next';

const i18nInstance = i18n.use(
    resourcesToBackend(language => {
        if (language === 'fr') {
            return import(
            ).then(({ default: messages }) =>
        return import(`ra-language-english`).then(({ default: messages }) =>

export const useMyI18nProvider = () => useI18nextProvider({
    availableLocales: [
        { locale: 'en', name: 'English' },
        { locale: 'fr', name: 'French' },

// in src/App.tsx
import { Admin } from 'react-admin';
import { useMyI18nProvider } from './i18nProvider';

const App = () => {
    const i18nProvider = useMyI18nProvider();
    if (!i18nProvider) return null;

    return (

Check the ra-i18n-i18next documentation for details.

Translation Files

ra-i18n-polyglot relies on JSON objects for translations. This means that the only thing required to add support for a new language is a JSON file.

Translation files match a translation key to a translated text. They look like the following:

const englishMessages = {
    // react-admin components
    ra: {
        action: {
            cancel: 'Cancel',
            clone: 'Clone',
            confirm: 'Confirm',
            create: 'Create',
            delete: 'Delete',
            edit: 'Edit',
            export: 'Export',
            list: 'List',
            refresh: 'Refresh',
            save: 'Save',
        boolean: {
            true: 'Yes',
            false: 'No',
            null: ' ',
        /* ...*/
    // resources and fields
    resources: {
        shoe: {
            name: 'Shoe |||| Shoes',
            fields: {
                model: 'Model',
                stock: 'Nb in stock',
                color: 'Color',
        customer: {
            name: 'Customer |||| Customers',
            fields: {
                first_name: 'First name',
                last_name: 'Last name',
                dob: 'Date of birth',
        /* ...*/
    // custom components
    acme: {
        buttons: {
            allow: 'Allow',
            deny: 'Deny',
        notifications: {
            error: 'An error occurred',
            success: 'Success',
        /* ...*/

Tip: The default (English) messages are available in the ra-language-english package source.

When building an internationalized app with react-admin, the usual workflow is therefore to let developers write the main translation file. Then, pass this file to a team of translators, with the task to translate it. They can use any software they want for that (even software using Gettext/PO files, as it’s possible to convert POT to and from JSON). Finally, aggregate all the translations into an i18nProvider.

Check the translation setup documentation to understand how to build your own translation file, the list of available translations to find a translation for your language, and Translating the UI to understand how to translate react-admin commponents.