
This Enterprise Edition hook gets a callback to lock a record and get a mutation state.

useLockOnCall calls dataProvider.lock() when the callback is called. It relies on authProvider.getIdentity() to get the identity of the current user. It guesses the current resource and recordId from the context (or the route) if not provided. It releases the lock when the component unmounts by calling dataProvider.unlock().


Use this hook in a toolbar, to let the user lock the record manually.

import { Edit, SimpleForm, TextInput } from 'react-admin';
import { useLockOnMount } from '@react-admin/ra-realtime';
import { Alert, AlertTitle, Box, Button } from '@mui/material';

const PostAside = () => {
    const [doLock, { data, error, isLoading }] = useLockOnCall();
    return (
        <Box sx={{ width: 200, ml: 1 }}>
            {isLoading ? (
                <Alert severity="info">Locking post...</Alert>
            ) : error ? (
                <Alert severity="warning">
                    <AlertTitle>Failed to lock</AlertTitle>Someone else is
                    probably already locking it.
            ) : data ? (
                <Alert severity="success">
                    <AlertTitle>Post locked</AlertTitle> Only you can edit it.
            ) : (
                <Button onClick={() => doLock()} fullWidth>
                    Lock post
const PostEdit = () => (
    <Edit aside={<PostAside />}>
            <TextInput source="title" />
            <TextInput source="headline" multiline />
            <TextInput source="author" />


useLockOnCall accepts a single options parameter, with the following properties (all optional):

  • identity: An identifier (string or number) corresponding to the identity of the locker (e.g. 'julien'). This could be an authentication token for instance. Falls back to the identifier of the identity returned by the AuthProvider.getIdentity() function.
  • resource: The resource name (e.g. 'posts'). The hook uses the ResourceContext if not provided.
  • id: The record id (e.g. 123). The hook uses the RecordContext if not provided.
  • meta: An object that will be forwarded to the dataProvider.lock() call
  • lockMutationOptions: react-query mutation options, used to customize the lock side-effects for instance
  • unlockMutationOptions: react-query mutation options, used to customize the unlock side-effects for instance
const LockButton = ({ resource, id, identity }) => {
    const [doLock, lockMutation] = useLockOnCall({ resource, id, identity });
    return (
        <button onClick={() => doLock()} disabled={lockMutation.isLoading}>